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Multi-Tier Application Programming with PHP: Practical Guide for Architects and Programmers (The Practical Guides)

audiobook Multi-Tier Application Programming with PHP: Practical Guide for Architects and Programmers (The Practical Guides) by David Wall in Arts-Photography


Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2004 im Fachbereich Kunst - Allgemeines; Kunsttheorie; Note: 1;3; Universitauml;t der Kuuml;nste Berlin; Veranstaltung: Escape to life - Radikale Positionen der Gegenwartskunst; 6 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis; Sprache: Deutsch; Abstract: Antoni Tagrave;pies gilt als einer der bedeutendsten zeitgenouml;ssischen Kuuml;nstler. Beeinflusst von den Dadaisten und den Surrealisten; von der mittelalterlichen katalanischen Mystik und den fernouml;stlichen Philosophien wie Zen; Yoga und Tantrismus; entwickelte der Katalane eine ihm ganz eigene Bildsprache. Neben seinem schouml;pferischen Werk hat Antoni Tagrave;pies eine groszlig;e Anzal theoretischer Schriften verfasst; die einen tiefen Einblick in sein Verstauml;ndnis von Kunst und ihrer Rolle in der Gesellschaft ermouml;glichen. Die vorliegende Arbeit versucht anhand seiner Schriften aus den Jahren 1955 bis 1974 das Kunstverstauml;ndnis des Antoni Tagrave;pies nachzuvollziehen und zu untersuchen; welche Rollen er dem Kuuml;nstler und dem Betrachter innerhalb des kuuml;nstlerischen Schaffens- und Wirkungsprozesses zuschreibt. Nach einem kurzen Uuml;berblick uuml;ber sein Leben und seine kuuml;nstlerische Entwicklung wird im Hauptteil der Arbeit eine Analyse seiner Texte vorgenommen.

#3615448 in eBooks 2004-06-25 2004-06-25File Name: B00BCR8J2G

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A complete shift in perspective of how great work is achievedBy Benjamin KnightThis book is fantastic and has completely changed my perspective on the creativity of human beings. It challenges the myth of the "lone genius" which is how Western society often thinks about creative achievement and success. This book shows that more often than not there is a pair working together at the foundation of great achievements in art; music; science; literature; etc. In my opinion this book pairs well with the works of Malcolm Gladwell; specifically Outliers.3 of 4 people found the following review helpful. This would have been a great book if Malcom Gladwell had done the research and ...By B. FosmireThe message is interesting but is dragged through repeating stories of fame and fortune. The author is obviously enamored with fame since the research seems only focused on hugely famous people. I would have appreciated some research into a wider scope of successful partnerships; the lesser known stories. At the end of this book the author reveals his own of lack leveraging partnership - simply confirming that he really just wants to figure out how to be famous.This would have been a great book if Malcom Gladwell had done the research and writing. Gladwell is a master of scope. He finds the little stories which balances out the fame and fortune; giving a more fully normal and human take on the subject.I think partnership is a subject worthy of further investigation. I feel we are too focused on the hero who saves us. We need to better understand the role of groups. Crowd sourcing is likely more powerful and partnership in the big picture.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy Dale B.Good read

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