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New Regional Development Paradigms: Volume 2 New Regions--Concepts; Issues; and Practices: 002 (Contributions in Economics and Economic History;)

ebooks New Regional Development Paradigms: Volume 2 New Regions--Concepts; Issues; and Practices: 002 (Contributions in Economics and Economic History;) by David W. Edgington; Antonio L. Fernandez; Claudia Hoshino in Arts-Photography


Covering experiences from transitional; industrialized; and developing economies; this timely book emphasizes the critical prerequisites for effective regional planning. These prerequisites include sustainable institutions; social mechanisms; trust relationships; leadership; and public-private sector partnerships. Questioning many conventional approaches; the book considers the changing context in which regional planning now occurs. Exploring globalization; regions straddling international borders; the position of transitional economies; decentralization and empowerment of local governments; regional competitiveness; mega-urban regions; and new forms of regional governments this work covers much ground. Using such examples as the Arizona-Sonora corridor; the book specifically considers cross-border regions; or trade corridors; including the need to include economic complementarity and cultural differences in development policy. Examining the need to redefine regional planning; the book concludes with innovative strategies from China; Thailand; Japan; and the Philippines as well as the Americas.With contributions from both academe and practitioners; the volume shows that regional development planning involves integrated physical; economic; and social planning and that regional development planning has to address new regional forms; regional competition; and local governance. Based on fully revised papers given at a United Nations Centre for Regional Development conference; the book illustrates the changing context in which regional planning is now conducted; thereby providing a useful resource for planners and academics.

#4439176 in eBooks 2001-07-30 2001-07-30File Name: B000Q7ZD6S

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. ships to draw and paintBy RustyBeautiful boats and ships to learn to draw and paint I have always loved the sea and all that was in it and now I can really draw and paint them. How great is that. Thank you and enjoy your day.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Besides the figure 8By CustomerBesides the figure 8; which is the basic understanding of how to draw the hull of most boats and ships... the book doesnt actually show you how to draw all the boats and shipsvin the table of contents... rather; he talks more about the boats... and shows pictures of the boats already sketched in different perspective... this is helpful if you are trying to copy his boats; and already know how to draw these boats... but after he shows a basic figure 8; there isnt any instruction on how to draw these boats... so its basically like looking at pictures of boats... good reference if you already know how to draw.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Useful; accurateBy Nan ten flowersVery useful for pen and ink work as well as graphite drawings.

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