From earliest days; artists have sought to record the beauty; form; movement; and infinite variety of the human body. Among the most successful were the great masters of the various European traditions and schools of art. The extraordinary skill; inspiration; and technique they brought to figure drawing resulted in many masterpieces.This anthology; carefully reproduced from rare portfolios; presents over forty of those works; by artists ranging from the 15th century Italian Filippino Lippi to the 19th century French classicist; J. A. D. Ingres. Included are such highlights as a Michelangelo study for a dead Christ; two drawings of seated women by Rembrandt; a study by Rubens for Daniel in the Lions Den; and splendid nudes by Tintoretto; Titian; Andrea del Sarto; Raphael; Pontormo; and other celebrated artists.
#1351316 in eBooks 2012-10-30 2012-10-02File Name: B00A3IQYN6
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Well written!By CustomerIt is obvious that the author has a deep passion for her art and has a desire for her readers to enjoy this craft as well. She provides suggestions and ideas so that anyone with a desire can create their own felt pictures!0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Small but very usefulBy Sharon MalecThis is a small book ; but it is packed with information and some lovely artwork0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Felt lovers should like this one!By Barbara PetersI have looked at this book and read it from cover to cover and find her work just amazing and maybe somet day I will try some of the things in the book but in the meantime I enjoy just looking at the photos.