This enchanting gallery transports viewers to a fairy tale worldmdash;an ageless fantasy realm inhabited by characters from favorite folktales and depicted by renowned artists. Lovingly reproduced from rare early editions; more than 180 illustrations portray scenes from stories by the Brothers Grimm; Hans Christian Andersen; and other sources; including ancient Celtic and Norse legends. Breathtaking art; dating from 1882 to 1923; captures the genius of 23 illustrators; including Arthur Rackham; Gustave Doreacute;; Edmund Dulac; Kay Nielsen; Warwick Goble; and Walter Crane.The imaginative interpretations include vignettes from "Sleeping Beauty;" "Cinderella;" "Rumpelstiltskin;" "Puss in Boots;" "The Snow Queen;" and scores of other familiar and lesser-known tales. The illustrations; many of which are brilliantly colored; full-page images; appear with a caption that includes the artists name; the story from which its drawn; and a descriptive line or direct quotation from the tale. Book lovers of all ages will rejoice in this treasury and its happy marriage of fine art and fairy tales.
#811912 in eBooks 2013-02-19 2013-01-22File Name: B00A735T24
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Actors DelightBy Jay B. LaneDaniel Robert Sullivan is one of the few anointed singer/actors who has had the privilege of being cast as one of the "Jersey Boys;" the phenomenal Tony Award-winning musical that has been running in New York; Las Vegas; London; Auckland; and in two touring companies throughout the United States and Canada. He was in the Toronto show that enjoyed an extended run.Because he keeps a journal; we are privy to all the travails of an actor who auditions; gets call-backs; hires dance instructors; has more call-backs; tries to support himself; and gets more call-backs; for TWO YEARS.Dont ever think it is easy to be a performer. This book provides an upbeat; humorous but realistic insight into the process. This is the perfect gift for your favorite performer. Believe me; he/she will relate! I got mine with blinding speed from .Ive seen "Jersey Boys" in Seattle; Tampa; London; and have my tickets for New York when I go in December 2012.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A Fairly Interesting ReadBy CustomerThis book is OK. I give it 5 stars because I want to support this actor and his ambitions to publish this story. However this really doesnt have anything that revealing. He basically hints in one tiny section how cronyism plays a part; but cronyism RULES this business. If this is written with the intention of being a self-help book; dont mislead young readers into thinking its all talent-based. And the audition process he presents in the book is just how auditions work. It may be interesting to an outsider but I was expecting a story of him getting knocked down several times and different ways he brushed himself off. He was actually in a very privileged situation. Sure it may have taken nearly two years to get the job. But the job wasnt available. It should be pretty clear by your 10th callback youll be in the show one way or another; at some point or another.Referring back to my statement on cronyism; another take on it is; he was a member of AEA during the time of his first audition; and had an agent representing him. I can get the author skipping over that; but I wished he could have spent a chapter talking about getting his equity card and how being a part of the union may have helped him; as most agencies prefer hiring union members and Im sure thats how he landed his agent. Not to mention how EPAs or ECCs see equity members first and only see non-equity (the nobodies) if there is time available. Instead he only includes a sentence of auditioning for summer stock when he was younger. I only bring this up as Im sure a lot of young hopefuls will be reading this.It is also written in a journal/blog format which Im ok with. Id prefer it written as an actual book but makes it for an easier read I suppose. His silly sense of humor/writing style gets a tad tiring at times but I digress. I enjoyed the book; its always interesting to get the inside scoop or behind the scenes no matter how many times similar stories have been told. And for me personally; hearing it from a Jersey Boys actor did make it that much more enjoyable than if it were someone from say; Wicked.I recommend it despite my thoughts towards the beginning. Congratulations Daniel.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A truly amazing book to read...Places; Please.By CustomerThe journey that Robert Daniel Sullivan went through to becoming a Jersey Boy is absolutely amazing. The struggles and sacrifices he made to ensure he made his childhood dream come true is so inspiring and motivating. His drive not to give up and not allow his dream is fade is a testimony of his passion and love for being in the theatre as an actor. I really admire him for writing this book to motivate and inspire anyone who has a dream to follow it all the way and not give up no matter how tough the road is to climb that mountain to achieve and make that dream a reality. It is well worth all the sacrifices and struggles you have to endure to make that dream come true. He realized his dreams not once but twice which makes this even more incredible. Please convey; my "Thank you" to Daniel Robert Sullivan for taking the time to write this most inspiration book. I have recommended this book to many of my friends. Once I started reading it; I could not put it down. It was that great of a book.