How to create collage artwork by repurposing keepsakes; leftover craft projects; cutouts from magazines; and all sorts of readily available materials.
#1363822 in eBooks 2012-07-01 2016-02-11File Name: B00BIPMGDA
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. accessibly written book on Wagner is easily the finest bio-analysis in printBy Christina WatersGecks deeply researched; accessibly written book on Wagner is easily the finest bio-analysis in print. He provides in-depth accounts and background on the creation of each opera; identifying themes; motifs; and the interlocking forces behind the making of these masterpieces.It deepened my knowledge of Wagner and increased the enjoyment I experience when attending the live performances.A classic of readable interpretation.4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. A different biographical approachBy Klingsor82Gecks work follows Wagners life chronologically and concisely while still contributing insightful commentary on his philosophies and music. At the conclusion of each chapter he includes a brief essay on different German Jewish figures in relation to die Meister. One wishes; however; that Geck were a little more discerning (they come across as vague and defensive) in his critique in these sections.14 of 16 people found the following review helpful. ANOTHER book about Wagner?!By randolph fischerIn a field filled to overflowing with new studies of Wagner (surely the most written-about artist in history); Martin Gecks 444-page work paddles desperately to keep from sinking under the hundreds of other volumes. Gecks book (translated bravely and capably from the 2012 German original by Stewart Spencer; a specialist in this composer) blends a chronological account of Wagners developing intellect with analyses of each of his operas. In those analyses; Geck tries -- and largely succeeds -- in finding something new and important to say about each work. The result is a valuable; if not INvaluable; addition to the groaning shelves of Wagneriana.Further; his book gives non-German-speaking readers access to many of the scholars whose books and articles remain untranslated -- scholars listed in Gecks bibliography: 21-pages long; all in fine print!Sidebars offer details about Wagners interactions with many of the JEWISH composers and impresarios whose lives interwove with his career. Here Geck uncovers many fascinating and little-known facts and anecdotes.The books interior graphics (in black-and-white) include many of Wagners portraits; well known or otherwise; beginning with the books front cover: a close-up profile of Arno Brekers giant; aggressive 1939 marble bust of the composer; erected outside the Festspielhaus in Bayreuth. That portrait alone makes this book hard to ignore.