Oliver Stone has written and directed many memorable films while also developing a reputation for tackling controversial subjects; such as the Turkish prison system (Midnight Express); the Vietnam war (Platoon and Born on the Fourth of July); insider trading (Wall Street); presidential assassination (JFK); and a voyeuristic media (Natural Born Killers). Along the way; Stone has been nominated for more than 10 Academy Awards and three times received Oscars for his work.In The Oliver StoneEncyclopedia; James M. Welsh and Donald M. Whaley provide an overarching evaluation of Stones work as screenwriter; producer; and director. While the entries in this volume address all of the usual aspects of Stonersquo;s career; they also explore new avenues of critical evaluation; especially influences such as Friedrich Nietzsche and Buddhism; which Stone converted to in the 1990s. In addition; this volume traces Stonersquo;s obsession with Latin American politics; evident in his film Salvador (1986); his screenplay for Alan Parkerrsquo;s Evita (1996); and the documentaries Commandante (2003); Looking for Fidel (2004); and South of the Border (2010).Each entry is followed by a bibliography of published sources; both in print and online. A comprehensive and engaging examination of the director; The Oliver Stone Encyclopedia will appeal to scholars and fans alike as the most comprehensive reference on this directors body of work.
#2061426 in eBooks 2015-10-22 2015-10-22File Name: B00C0XAYGA
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