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Peformative Architecture

ebooks Peformative Architecture by BRANKO KOLAREVIC in Arts-Photography


#2760941 in eBooks 2005-07-08 2005-07-08File Name: B000Q363J8

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Why The Music Industry Happened!By BookHimDanMarc Myers is the kind of Jazz writer who never rests for a minute. He writes a daily blog called jazzwax (dot com) which is full of engaging interviews; opinions and recommendations about the music he so clearly knows and loves.I believe the true audience for this book is much wider than just those interested in the history of Jazz. The book actually covers social and economic topics such as the advent of the LP and 45rpm records and the business rivalries that led to the emergence of pop; rock and even classical music as an at-home-entertainment industry. This book is probably just as important as an MBA case study as it is to the history of Jazz. Myers coverage of the GI Bill and how it led to a generation of "schooled" musicians is another interesting social and political phenomenon that is of general interest; and helps explain why there is such a proliferation of music majors even today.I dont mean in any way to diminish the importance of this book as a history of Jazz. My point is that it is much wider in scope. Myers set out to explain why Jazz happened; and he ended up explaining why the music industry as a whole happened; and the central role America has played in its evolution. A must-read for all music lovers.2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Riveting account of how American history shaped Jazz and vice versaBy Tony HymesMarc Myers background in history is immediately apparent as "Why Jazz Happened" chronicles the last century in intimate detail. From the cultural; political; social; and personal influences that impressed themselves on the ever-changing genres of swing; big band; bebop and "jass;" this book will heighten readers appreciation for one of the most American types of music. Highly recommended to anyone with even the slightest interest in Jazz; after the introduction and first chapter you will be hooked; and you just might become a Jazz fan for life. Good tip: cue up different tracks to listen to (from YouTube; Whyd; etc) that Myers mentions while you read along. You can actually see the progression of the artists and the music itself.2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Not a history of jazz but jazz and historyBy Michael ScullinThere are many histories of jazz but Mr Myers puts jazz into history ndash; into social context and does it well. His writing is a blend of the observations of those from within jazz and his own which happen to be; as are mine; quite centrist; eclectic; and ever cognizant of the fact that jazz evolved as entertainment. This hardly diminishes jazz but as jazz jazz wandered off and many participants bemoan the diminishing enthusiasm and market they might do well to read this book.

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