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Performing the Body/Performing the Text

ebooks Performing the Body/Performing the Text by From Routledge in Arts-Photography


This book explores the new performativity in art theory and practice; examining ways of rethinking interpretive processes in visual culture. Since the 1960s; visual art practices - from body art to minimalism - have taken contemporary art outside the museum and gallery; by embracing theatricality and performance and exploding the boundaries set by traditional art criticism. The contributors argue that interpretation needs to be recognised as much more dynamic and contingent. Offering its own performance script; and embracing both canonical fine artists such as Manet; De Kooning and Jasper Johns; and performance artists such as Vito Acconci and Gunter Brus; this book offers radical re-readings of art works and points confidently towards new models for understanding art.

#2308946 in eBooks 2005-08-12 2005-08-12File Name: B000PUBBNA

0 of 6 people found the following review helpful. Could Have Been MoreBy R. S. P. LeeI purchased this sketchbook with the hopes of gaining some insight into Toulouse-Latrecs sketch style by observing his pencils.Not enough of them were towards completion; and the orientation of the sketches wasnt taken into consideration. Posssibly putting them in a uniformed sense; where looking at the sketches had to be seen by flipping the book more often then not.Ill wide up looking for another book on his work; maybe something printed by Dover. They do great things.

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