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Pictures and Tears: A History of People Who Have Cried in Front of Paintings

PDF Pictures and Tears: A History of People Who Have Cried in Front of Paintings by James Elkins in Arts-Photography


Art Does art leave you cold? And is that what its supposed to do? Or is a painting meant to move you to tears? Hemingway was reduced to tears in the midst of a drinking bout when a painting by James Thurber caught his eye. And whats bad about that? In Pictures and Tears; art historian James Elkins tells the story of paintings that have made people cry. Drawing upon anecdotes related to individual works of art; he provides a chronicle of how people have shown emotion before works of art in the past; and a meditation on the curious tearlessness with which most people approach art in the present. Deeply personal; Pictures and Tears is a history of emotion and vulnerability; and an inquiry into the nature of art. This book is a rare and invaluable treasure for people who love art. Also includes an 8-page color insert.

#1589740 in eBooks 2005-08-02 2005-08-02File Name: B000P28SDY

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