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Primitive: Original Matters in Architecture

DOC Primitive: Original Matters in Architecture by From Routledge in Arts-Photography


This innovative edited collection charts the rise; fall and possible futures of the word primitive. The word primitive is fundamental to the discipline of architecture in the west; providing a convenient starting point for the many myths of architectures origins. Since the almost legendary 1970s conference on the Primitive; with the advent of post-modernism and; in particular; post-colonialism; the word has fallen from favour in many disciplines. Despite this; architects continue to use the word to mythologize and reify the practice of simplicity.Primitive includes contributions from some of today’s leading architectural commentators including Dalibor Vesely; Adrian Forty; David Leatherbarrow; Richard Weston and Richard Coyne. Structured around five sections; Negotiating Origins; Urban Myths; Questioning Colonial Constructs; Making Marks; and Primitive Futures; the essays highlight the problematic nature of ideas of the primitive; engage with contemporary debate in the field of post colonialism and respond to a burgeoning interest in the non-expert architecture.This now controversial subject remains; for better or worse; intrinsic to the very structure of Modernism and deeply embedded in architectural theory. Considering a broad range of approaches; this book provides a rounded past; present and future of the word primitive in the architectural sphere.

#4505572 in eBooks 2006-09-27 2006-09-27File Name: B000Q35UV0

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Very dissatisfied customerBy Jo-Ann AyliffeI would not recommend this book to anyone.It looks like a pile of black and white photocopied pages I could of done myself at the library.I wish I had done this as it would have saved me the $20.00 POSTAGE and probably a few dollars on the so called book.Very dissatisfied customer4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Lovely ribbon flower designBy Fairchilds honest reviewsThis is one of the lost arts; I feel still practical for todays fabric artist. Great representation of simple materals that can be used to create gorgeous ribbon flowers and trims.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A mustBy Francis M. LopezIf you are making doll hats and need to know how to make adornments for clothes and hats. You will buy many rolls of ribbon but its lots of fun. instructions are concise and easy to follow. I suggest this book to costumers and doll makers

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