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Processed Lives: Gender and Technology in Everyday Life

audiobook Processed Lives: Gender and Technology in Everyday Life by From Routledge in Arts-Photography


Considers how the terms of gender are embodied in technologies; and conversely; how technologies shape our notions of gender. The contributors explore the complex territory between the lust for; and the fear of; technology; commenting on the ambivalence women experience in relation to machines. Discussing topics such as embryonic fertilization; the virtual female; networking women; the sexuality of computers; surveillance systems; UFOs; and the emancipation of Barbie; rocessed Lives offers a provocative; visually rich critical approach to th multifaceted relationships between masculinity; femininity and machines. Contributors: Barbie Liberation Organization; Ericka Beckman; Lisa Cartwright; Gregg Bordowitz; Sara Diamond; Judith Halberstam; Evelynn Hammonds; Kathy High; David Horn; Ira Livingston; Bonita Makuch; Margaret Morse; Soheir Morsy; Liss Platt; B Ruby Rich; Connie Samaras; Joya Saunders; Julia Scher; Andrea Slane; Mary Ellen Strom; Christime Tamblyn; Nina Wakeford.

#3100318 in eBooks 2005-06-28 2005-06-28File Name: B000PSJ94A

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Four StarsBy Veronica DeLuzeMost of the pics are in black and white. Wish they were in color.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A great book for starters .By Sidi ChengA great book for starters . Helps you establish a basic mind set to understand more about Mexican modern art .3 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Good HIstory and art bookBy redgirlI am charging through the first half of the book as it is a required book club choice. The illustrations are wonderful; I plan to finish it and believe it has helped my understanding with the Mexican art world; will assist one as they view work in museums

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