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Proportion: Science; Philosophy; Architecture

PDF Proportion: Science; Philosophy; Architecture by Richard Padovan in Arts-Photography


This handbook provides readers with a well-illustrated and readable comparative guide to proportion systems in architecture; setting out the mathematical principles that underlie the main systems and illustrating these with examples of their use in historical and modern buildings. The main body of the text traces the interplay of abstraction and empathy through the history of science; philosophy and architecture from the early Greeks through to the two early twentieth-century architects who made proportion the focus of their work: Le Corbusier and Van der Laan. The book ends with a reflection on the present and future role of proportion in architecture.

#1666557 in eBooks 2002-09-11 2002-09-11File Name: B000PMG8NQ

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. GreatBy Matt ZimmermanThis is sooo useful for anyone looking for monologues. Instead of scouring through countless plays filled with nothing but two person dialogue this book tells you exactly where to find monologues and even gives you a breakdown of who the character is; what the monologue is about AND the exact page numbers. It gives you many different options as far as type; gender; age and makes finding monologues so simple and painless. It does not include the actual monologues but gives you a head start as far as knowing which plays to read. This is a fantastic resource.7 of 7 people found the following review helpful. Awesome Monologue Book!By Ashley WillesFor anyone; whether youre a teen or all the way up to your 50s; this is a great book to have when you need common monologue practice or something new that no ones heard of before! Not only does it give you great pieces to work with; itll tell you who its for [age; sex; with a partner; alone] as well as the tone it sets with a brief description of whats going on! This is not a book that PROVIDES the monolgues; but the sources to it and how to go about acting it. Its a source thatll quickly show you if the monologues made for you or isnt. Its a quick find and amazing to understand. I cant wait to try this out for an audition!1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Ultimate Scene and Monologue BookBy Ann HerbergerThis was recommended to me by the Tom Todoroff Team and it is a lifesaver. To be able to look through this book to get synopisis of the plays; have the parts outlined for each type of scene is amazing. Its a must have book if you are looking to do scene work for auditions or anything.

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