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Public and Private Spaces of the City

ePub Public and Private Spaces of the City by Ali Madanipour in Arts-Photography


The relationship between public and private spheres is one of the key concerns of the modern society. This book investigates this relationship; especially as manifested in the urban space with its social and psychological significance. Through theoretical and historical examination; it explores how and why the space of human socities is subdivided into public and private sections. It starts with the private; interior space of the mind and moves step by step; through the body; home; neighborhood and the city; outwards to the most public; impersonal spaces; exploring the nature of each realm and their complex; interdependent realtionships.A stimulating and thought provoking book for any architect; architectural historian; urban planner or designer.

#2552265 in eBooks 2003-09-02 2003-09-02File Name: B000PMG3PE

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Great book to teach commercial designBy Tilan ChanI teach commercial interior design (Design Studio) students at college level; and found this book to be very valuable. The book was received in good shape.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy Majed A.nice book0 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Basic bookBy Stephen J. PowersThis item arrived quickly and in good condition. This book is a good start for an office designer. A lot of basics.

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