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Re-Dressing the Canon: Essays on Theatre and Gender

PDF Re-Dressing the Canon: Essays on Theatre and Gender by Alisa Solomon in Arts-Photography


Re-Dressing the Canon examines the relationship between gender and performance in a series of essays which combine the critique of specific live performances with an astute theoretical analysis. Alisa Solomon discusses both canonical texts and contemporary productions in a lively jargon-free style. Among the dramatic texts considered are those of Aristophanes; Ibsen; Yiddish theatre; Mabou Mines; Deborah Warner; Shakespeare; Brecht; Split Britches; Ridiculous Theatre; and Tony Kushner. Bringing to bear theories of gender performativity upon theatrical events; the author explores: * the double disguise of cross-dressed boy-actresses * how gender relates to genre (particularly in Ibsens realism) * how canonical theatre represented gender in ways which maintain traditional images of masculinity and femininity.

#2108281 in eBooks 2003-09-02 2003-09-02File Name: B000P2XI48

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful. okBy N. Ten BrinkDecent book for a class by this prof. some of the methods are interesting and can be useful; so if this is your thing it might be worth checking out.

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