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Reading Into Cultural Studies

ePub Reading Into Cultural Studies by Martin Barker; Anne Beezer in Arts-Photography


Reading Into Cultural Studies revisits a selection of key texts central to the formation of cultural studies as a discipline and as a project. These texts address questions of power; ideology and the possibilities and limits of resistance. Each of the eleven essays in the collection renews an early study in one area of cultural investigation; bringing such seminal texts as "Subculture" by Dick Hebdige; "Loving With a Vengeance" by Tania Modleski and "Bond and Beyond" by Tony Bennett back to the centre of attention; However the essays are not purely celebratory. Each study is critically examined in a number of ways - for its research strategy; its implicit theories of power and ideology; for the empirical evidence it draws on and its conceptual framework. Together; the essays provide an introduction to some of the central debates and issues in cultural studies.

#4392644 in eBooks 2003-09-02 2003-09-02File Name: B000OI0PTY

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Great gift idea!By Brian McKinnyI bought this as a gift for my mother.

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