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Remaking Metropolis: Global Challenges of the Urban Landscape

DOC Remaking Metropolis: Global Challenges of the Urban Landscape by From Routledge in Arts-Photography


Remaking Metropolis examines examples of both urban decay and destruction as well as urban rebirth. It shows why particular approaches were successful; or did not achieve their objectives. By bringing together innovative approaches to urban living from across the world; and by demonstrating how local initiatives can contribute to global solutions; the book establishes a framework in which to evaluate current and future developments for urban change; and to stimulate a reassessment of urban redevelopment and policies. "Think Globally; Act Locally" is an oft used phrase to encourage citizens to take steps close to home as part of addressing overarching environmental issues. Critics of this view point to the potential for parochial or even myopic approaches; while supporters argue that it creates both a more sustainable and a more culturally grounded environment. Remaking Metropolis brings together real world experiences that combine local action with a global world view; to demonstrate the continuum between the local and the remote.At the same time the compartmentalization of contemporary perspectives towards human life in the fields of science; design; ecology; medicine; and politics is leading to increased fragmentation of the mind; body; city; and globe. By bridging these artificial divides between disciplines; this collection of individual case studies demonstrates the holistic approach necessary for a genuinely sustainable urban condition.

#609149 in eBooks 2012-11-12 2012-11-12File Name: B00ABM3TG4

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Serious Drama - Not HereBy Con BrioIf you appreciate intelligent wittyy writing and are a fan British humor that is on the edge of silly; Stoppard is you man.9 of 11 people found the following review helpful. Classic Stoppard; absolutely fantastic!By A CustomerTom Stoppard at his finest; The Real Inspector Hound has to be one of his best works; and when it is placed in the same volume as such other works of lunacy as Doggs Hamlet; Cahoots Macbeth; then youre bound to be on to a winner.

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