Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2004 im Fachbereich Kunst - Malerei; Note: sehr gut; Westfauml;lische Wilhelms-Universitauml;t Muuml;nster; 22 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis; Sprache: Deutsch; Abstract: Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird nichts Geringeres versucht werden; als Michelangelos meisterliches Fresko des Juuml;ngsten Tages in der Sixtinischen Kapelle im Hinblick auf einzelne Aspekte zu erouml;rtern. Diese Vorgehensweise soll dem Versuche dienlich sein; die mannigfaltige Ordnung des Werkes zu gliedern; auch wenn damit die Gefahr entsteht; dessen Gesamtwirkung zweitrangig werden zu lassen. Jedoch wird der Gesamtzusammenhang permanent im Hintergrunde der Untersuchungen zu stehen haben; um von dort aus die Details zu beleuchten. Zunauml;chst werden Teilschilderungen der Quellenlage und der Entstehungsgeschichte des Meisterwerkes in der Hoffnung vorgenommen werden; der historischen Einordnung und Gewichtung zutrauml;glich zu sein. Daraufhin soll eine ausfuuml;hrliche Beschreibung und Deutung des Juuml;ngsten Gerichtes erfolgen. Aufgrund der Komplexitauml;t des Stoffes wird auf ein zusauml;tzliches Kapitel bezuuml;glich der Literatur zum Werke verzichtet werden muuml;ssen; um eine Diskussion verschiedener Forscherpositionen unmittelbar am Orte des beschriebenen Gegenstandes vorzunehmen. So wird die Beschreibung und die Interpretation der Gesamtkomposition von der Gruppe der Posaunenengel ausgehen; um anschlieszlig;end die Erdenzone des Grauml;berfeldes und den Aufstieg der Gerechten zu schildern. Von der Himmelsregion der Sibyllen und Urmuuml;tter; dem Bereiche der Heiligen und dem das Geschehen beherrschenden Richtergott soll danach gehandelt werden. Abschlieszlig;end geht es uuml;ber das Areal der Martyrer hinab zum Sturze der Verdammten und letztlich zum Houml;llenbereich. Auf dem Fundament der Kenntnis der Bildstruktur sowie der Eigenarten einzelner Darstellungen und Figuren aufbauend; wird im folgenden vierten Abschnitt die Rede auf drei zeitlich voneinander abzugrenzende Gesamtentwuuml;rfe im Rahmen der Konzeption des Gerichtes durch Michelangelo gehen. Hier sollen dann die Bayonner Skizze im Museacute;e Bonnat; das Florentiner Blatt aus der Casa Buonarroti und endlich der Concetto aus dem Britischen Museum in London besprochen und mit der tatsauml;chlichen Version des bdquo;letzten Tages der Menschheitldquo; in der Sixtina verglichen werden.
#4231582 in eBooks 2006-05-06 2006-05-06File Name: B00BD8F9OK
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Whenever life and lousy modern movies get you down pick this book up and return to the golden age of Hollywood at its best!By C. M MillsMajestic Hollywood is a majestic picture book on the glorious movie year of 1939. The author of this wonderful book is Mark A. Vieira a film historian who knows how to include beautiful photographed shots of the movies in this collection of stellar films of 1939. The book is well organized into the following schema:"a. Fifty glorious films are included from such well known hits as Gone With the Wind; Ninotchka; Wuthering Heights; Stagecoach; The Wizard of Oz; The Hunchback of Notre Dame; Of Mice and Men; Mr. Smith Goes to Washington; Dark Victory and The Women and many more.b. The author provides a page or so on production notes on the film and insights into the filming process.c. One or two contemporary reviews of each film are provided.d. A notable quote from the film is included with also the date of release to the public.e. The book has twelve chapters in which the films which were released in each of the twelve months of 1939 are presented to the reader.f. The book is lavishly illustrated. Those expecting extensive coverage of each of the movies reviewed should look elsewhere but for pure enjoyment and visual delight this book will meet your needs.5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. More detail and cross referencing would have made this even betterBy CJS1939 was the best year for movies ever - I doubt that the films from the 2014 Academy Awards will be as remembered and loved as those from 1939. This book starts in January and details all the major films released in 1939. There are numerous beautiful photographs from the films (although none in color but then just Wizard of Oz and Gone With the Wind were shot in color). There is a 2 page summary of some of the things that either went on behind the scenes or how casting was done or how the film did as well as one or two reviews. All of this is good. However; I would have also liked a full credit list of the cast and crew of the film. It also would have been neat to have a cross reference chart to see what person appeared or worked on the most of these beloved films of 1939. The book is a must for film buffs but could have had more detail and the cross referencing would have made it a lot of fun.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. IMAGES TO MATCH THE GREAT FILMS OF 1939By E. Hunter HaleIndeed there was no other year quite like 1939 for the number of classic motion pictures to come out of the Hollywood studios. This book selects fifty of them and presents them in the order that they were released from January to December. Mark A. Vieira doesnt fill his space by listing the credits of the cast and makers but rather shares interesting things about the films and gives a sense of how the critics in California and New York responded to them. The text is interesting and well worth reading but it is his collection of images from these films that really stand out. The printing of the photographs are quite stunning. Boiled down its a spectacular collection of images from classic films beautifully printed with interesting text to go along with them. Very pleased with this book.