Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2004 im Fachbereich Kunst - Malerei; Note: sehr gut; Westfauml;lische Wilhelms-Universitauml;t Muuml;nster; 20 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis; Sprache: Deutsch; Abstract: Obgleich die Velaacute;zquez-Interpreten in bezug auf die hier zu besprechenden Portrauml;ts des Fabeldichters Auml;sop und des Kynikers Menippos zum Teil stark divergierende Standpunkte vertreten; besteht hinsichtlich der Lokalisation jener Werke ein Konsens. Es wird angenommen; dass Diego Velaacute;zquez seine Denker-Bildnisse fuuml;r Kouml;nig Philipps IV. Jagdpavillon; die Torre de la Parada; anfertigte; ein Bauprojekt; welches kurz nach der Fertigstellung des Buen Retiro in Angriff genommen wurde. Im Januar 1636 entschied sich der Kouml;nig dafuuml;r; ein in den Pardo-Bergen bei Madrid gelegenes Jagdschlouml;sschen zu erweitern und bewohnbar zu machen. Lopeacute;z-Rey bemerkt; dass Velaacute;zquez offenbar nicht nur mit dem Auftrag betraut wurde; verschiedene Gemauml;lde fuuml;r die Dekoration der Torre zu malen; zudem hatte sich der Hofmaler mit der Anordnung aller Bilder auseinander zusetzen1. Um die Wauml;nde des; zur Entspannung der Houml;flinge vom strikt koordinierten Tagesablauf im Madrider Kouml;nigspalast gedachten; Pavillons zu dekorieren; gab es bezuuml;glich der Themenwahl eindeutige Vorgaben.
#4229277 in eBooks 2006-07-18 2006-07-18File Name: B00BDAHOCS
19 of 20 people found the following review helpful. All scores; no tasting notes.By DaLI was hoping for a book and that would give me a new perspective and help with shopping at my local wine store. I was looking for reviews on ldquo;Grower Champagnesrdquo;; but the book focuses instead on the name brand Champagne houses that receive extensive tasting scores of each vintage going back over a 100 years. Most growers are listed; but with limited tasting scores compared to the Champagne houses. There are thousands of tasting scores in this book; but none have a tasting note; or a time frame for drinking.All of the major grower and houses non-vintage Champagne cuvees receive scores; but with two huge problems that make the reviews and book basically useless to me. First; there is no way of telling how recent the tasting scores are. Is the tasting and score 1; 10 or 20 years old? When the tasting score is given; was it from a cuvee that was 1 or 5 years old? Their is no way of telling. Most non-vintage cuvees vary greatly in quality depending on the quality of the recent vintages in the blend; or the improvement; or decline in the overall quality of the producer. Second; there is no disgorgement date for the non-vintage cuvees. These dates; printed on the bottle; are the only way of telling if you are buying the same cuvee the author is tasting and scoring. American writers are starting not to review non-vintage cuvees without a disgorgement date. Both of these problems; coupled with no tasting notes gives the reader a snapshot (without knowing when) of the champagne; but with little perspective or usefulness.For the vintage cuvees; I have no idea why thousands of tasting notes going back a 100 years were included. Especially since the reader does not know when the Champagne was tasted. A current tasting score and future tasting score are given for each Champagne; but you dont how many years in the future to wait before tasting the Champagne to enjoy it at its best quality. The book will give you the authors score on a vintage cuvee from 1985; but you will not know if the tasting score is from 1995; 2005 or 2013.I understand the author holds the world record for tasting the most Champagne; I just wished he would have shared some of that experience with his readers.3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Great book; but had shipping issuesBy J MAINEThis is THE book on Champagne. Richard Juhlin is amazing and I was sorry to read that he believes that this will be his last book. As for shipping; has some serious boneheads working in the packing department. They left the heavy book loose in the box with minimal packing material. the box was unevenly weighted; so one fall and the book was damaged. While both times each book was damaged; the first book was unacceptable. The second book was damaged as well; but not to the point where it was worth demanding a replacement and shipping that one back.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy Customerone of the best books i have seen on champagne