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Scientific Astrophotography: How Amateurs Can Generate and Use Professional Imaging Data (The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series)

DOC Scientific Astrophotography: How Amateurs Can Generate and Use Professional Imaging Data (The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series) by Gerald Hubbell in Arts-Photography


Ausgehend von den Grundlagen des Stauml;dtebaus beschauml;ftigt sich dieses Buch mit dem besonderen Aspekt der Nachhaltigkeit in der aktuellen Stadt- und Verkehrsentwicklung und dem Umgang mit bestehenden stauml;dtebaulichen Strukturen. Die Themen Demographischer Wandel; Energieeinsparung; Umwelt- und Klimaschutz stehen dabei im Fokus. Es enthauml;lt sowohl grundlegende Informationen als Einstieg in die Thematik als auch konkrete Beispiele aus der Praxis. ​

#833913 in eBooks 2012-11-09 2012-11-09File Name: B00AKIFGNS

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Great book; short and sweet. Good overview; but can be used for more engaged study.By Savina VenkovaGot this book as someone interested in climate change adaptation in developing countries. I was acquainted with Bulkeleys academic writing.This book is short and sweet. It gives a good overview of climate change mitigation and adaptation in the Global North and Global South; and gives equal attention to theory and focus. It is a good overview of a topic that is historically new; yet spans a great many fields. For someone who is interested in greater depth; it is well referenced so you can read other authors papers or look up organizations involved in climate change management/analysis. The discussion questions at the end of each chapter can be useful even if you are not a student reading the book for class.

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