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Se ragioni ti sposo (Narrativa) (Italian Edition)

audiobook Se ragioni ti sposo (Narrativa) (Italian Edition) by Roberta Amorino in Arts-Photography


Nel romanzo ldquo;Realtagrave; oniriche a Qalat An-Nisa e sogni di vita reale nelle zolfarerdquo; asserisco che spesso si fa fatica a riemergere dalle sensazioni provate nel sogno tanto esse appaiono vivide e reali e che; aldilagrave; delle varie spiegazioni e interpretazioni di scienziati e psichiatri; i sogni che ci hanno particolarmente colpiti; non solo sembrano fatti realmente avvenuti ma restano impressi cosigrave; fortemente nella mente tanto che; col trascorrere del tempo; vanno a confondersi con i fatti della vita reale. Per converso; col tempo; molti fatti della vita reale sbiadiscono; srsquo;arricchiscono di particolari anche solo desiderati e si fissano nella mente come sogni.Cosigrave; il vissuto si evolve e continua a farlo sino a quando resta impresso nella mente nella forma piugrave; gradita e piugrave; corrispondente alla mentalitagrave; e sensibilitagrave; di ciascuno permettendogli di rivivere con gioia avvenimenti e fatti emozionali passati. Egrave; per questo che allora; tra sogno e realtagrave;; mi rivedo nelle vesti di Lord Alfred; capitano normanno sceso in Sicilia nel 1038 con un esercito; comandato da Stefano fratello dellrsquo;imperatore bizantino Michele quarto detto il Paflagone; per riconquistarla.

#3773057 in eBooks 2011-12-14 2011-12-14File Name: B00BW0V150

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. decent material if only there was more of it.By Daniel NoonanThis book is tiny. Its incredibly small. Its width is about half that of the diameter of a United States dime. So its a little under a centimeter thick. Thats the first thing I noticed when the book finally arrived. When I previewed the book here on I thought it clipped the chapter titles. There really are only five chapters. Its an incredibly short programming book compared to others at just 112 pages. The first 30 pages are setting up OpenCv to work with eclipse. So content wise it doesnt even get into programming anything until one is almost a third or a little over a fourth of the way through the book.I feel a little ripped off to be honest. I dont think the book is worth the cost. However its the only book on the market which covers this topic. What little content there is I guess gets covered well enough. However theres not much. One might be better off doing the tutorials on the OpenCV website and then finding supplementary material online. I think the publishers rushed this one out to market figuring there was a market for it. I wish the author and the publishers would have done more than meet the bare minimum of expectations though.I was really excited to receive this book. Its such an interesting topic. Perhaps Im a little biased as I did have such high expectations. Its worth reading through to learn some of the material I just dont think its worth the full price of the book because its rather skimpy on material. What material there is however is covered well enough as I mentioned.2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Good but too shortBy Darrel RiekhofI was very interested in learning about object recognition using opencv/android/java. There was a good example of using one of the feature detection types; but I was a little disappointed that it didnt go into more depth on the topic; or cover other techniques OpenCV supports like haar cascades; template matching; color thresholds(BGR vs HSV); contours with polygons; etc.; and the different feature detecting methods( surf; sift; etc). Maybe the author is setting up a sequel.There is lots of OpenCV example code available in C++ that you can find google; but good Java/Android examples are hard to come by. This book provides a few good examples of working with the camera and doing some OpenCV stuff. Too short but what is there is good stuff. It leaves the audience wanting more.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Greatly enjoyed it!By Nathan WatersShort and sweet! Great way to get your feet wet in Computer Vision and Graphics on Android.

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