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Simple Knits - Hats  Scarves: 14 Easy Fashionable Knits

ePub Simple Knits - Hats Scarves: 14 Easy Fashionable Knits by Clare Crompton in Arts-Photography


ldquo;New York; Ieri e Oggirdquo;; attraverso unrsquo;immaginaria macchina del tempo; vi permette di visitare Manhattan dalla Statua della Libertagrave; a Riverside Park; passando per Wall Street; il Flatiron Building; Central Park; Times Square; Brooklyn e tanto altro ancora; scoprendo comrsquo;era un tempo e comrsquo;egrave; diventata oggi la Grande Mela! Un libro per chi vorrebbe visitarla; per chi crsquo;egrave; stato; per chi ci vive; Storia; curiositagrave; e fotografie; per ripercorrere un periodo storico che va dalla fine del XIX secolo fino ai nostri giorni; passando per la Grande Depressione; la Seconda Guerra Mondiale; gli anni lsquo;70 e 80.

#1413915 in eBooks 2012-12-03 2012-12-03File Name: B00BNJ10OM

19 of 19 people found the following review helpful. great edition; awful printBy esseyoI love Bischoffs editions of Bach but this particular printing is awful. The ink is light and the paper is thin and cheap. It really looks like it was photocopied: the print is fuzzy overall; the fingerings are difficult to read; the bars on numerous 16th and 32nd notes are fused together; there are sporadic dots some of which look like staccatos; and the stems of several notes are shorten severely for no reason. Bischoff states "the original ties which Bach wrote appear in darker type than the phrasing indications of the editor" however since the print is so bad; you cant tell which ties are darker.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Three StarsBy Barbara AtlantaNot helpful fingerings.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. LovelyBy KarbearLooks like the description given and everything is easy to read. Love the pieces in this book! I also bought the second volume.

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