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Site-Specific Art: Performance; Place and Documentation

ePub Site-Specific Art: Performance; Place and Documentation by Nick Kaye in Arts-Photography


Site-Specific Art charts the development of an experimental art form in an experimental way. Nick Kaye traces the fascinating historical antecedents of todays installation and performance art; while also assembling a unique documentation of contemporary practice around the world. The book is divided into individual analyses of the themes of space; materials; site; and frames. These are interspersed by specially commissioned documentary artwork from some of the worlds foremost practitioners and artists working today. This interweaving of critique and creativity has never been achieved on this scale before. Site-Specific Art investigates the relationship of architectural theory to an understanding of contemporary site related art and performance; and rigorously questions how such works can be documented. The artistic processes involved are demonstrated through entirely new primary articles from: * Meredith Monk * Station House Opera * Brith Gof * Forced Entertainment. This volume is an astonishing contribution to debates around experimental cross-arts practice.

#1918259 in eBooks 2013-04-15 2013-04-15File Name: B000FA62TS

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy JFgreat4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. A feminist position on historys treatment of womenartistBy sqdq@zeus.odysseyThis book is an interesting collection of power- ful essays on the Postmodernist condition and how that has shaped the role of women artists to- day. Whether these strategies are being employed fashionably or in thoughtful disregard to presumed male prejudice is well argued and perceptive.

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