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Songs of Innocence (Illuminated Manuscript with the Original Illustrations of William Blake)

DOC Songs of Innocence (Illuminated Manuscript with the Original Illustrations of William Blake) by William Blake in Arts-Photography


Pierre-Auguste Renoir was; above all; a painter of people; especially young women and rosy-cheeked children. In many ways; he is the most approachable Impressionist. Not for him were the grim realities of a hard life. Renoir painted people enjoying themselves: talking; flirting; laughing; often dancing; eating; drinking; and simply passing joyful times together. A constant theme throughout his works is the female nude. It was a subject he approached over and over again; sometimes sharply defining the figure; but more typically gently blurring the outline to better suggest the curves and shadows of the modelrsquo;s flesh. Renoir was one of the founding theorists and practitioners of the Impressionist movement; using techniques he developed as he painted side by side with Claude Monet. But after a visit to Italy in 1881; he abandoned the Impressionist movement; returning to a much more conventional; populist approach with linear; classical composition and execution. Unfortunately; the long-standing success of Impressionism has overshadowed Renoirrsquo;s later work.

#2198574 in eBooks 2013-07-10 2013-07-10File Name: B00FMWDTHM

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. :)By AliciaMain subject : struggle of labor and capital; concluding it to be a silly fight of obstinates. Money should just flow and people should just live. Something like that; beautifully put by the author though.Subsubject: bickering love between man and woman; resulting in ; accepting ones path trusting one self and the being present in the moment

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