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Stanislavski On Opera

ebooks Stanislavski On Opera by Constantin Stanislavski; Pavel Rumyantsev in Arts-Photography


The Applied Theatre Reader is the first book to bring together new case studies of practice by leading practitioners and academics in the field and beyond; with classic source texts from writers such as Noam Chomsky; bell hooks; Mikhail Bakhtin; Augusto Boal; and Chantal Mouffe. This book divides the field into key themes; inviting critical interrogation of issues in applied theatre whilst also acknowledging the multi-disciplinary nature of its subject. It crosses fields such as:theatre in educational settingsprison theatrecommunity performancetheatre in conflict resolution and reconciliationinterventionist theatretheatre for development.This collection of critical thought and practice is essential to those studying or participating in the performing arts as a means for positive change.

#1656900 in eBooks 2013-10-28 2013-10-28File Name: B00GBY3MFO

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