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Sukiyaki - The Art of Japanese Cooking and Hospitality

audiobook Sukiyaki - The Art of Japanese Cooking and Hospitality by Fumiko in Arts-Photography


This volume of the Golden Age of Illustration Series contains Hans Christian Andersens most famous tale The Little Mermaid; first published in May of 1837. This classic fairy tale has been continuously in print in different editions since its first publication; with many; many; different artists illustrating the story over the years. This edition features a beautiful collection of the best of that art; taken from the likes of Arthur Rackham; W. Heath Robinson; Harry Clarke; Honor Appleton; Anne Anderson; Edmund Dulac; Mable Lucie Attwell; among others.This series of books celebrates the Golden Age of Illustration. During this period; the popularity; abundance and - most importantly - the unprecedented upsurge in the quality of illustrated works marked an astounding change in the way that publishers; artists and the general public came to view this hitherto insufficiently esteemed art form.The Golden Age of Illustration Series; has sourced the rare original editions of these books and reproduced the beautiful art work in order to build a unique collection of illustrated fairy tales.

#2214958 in eBooks 2013-04-16 2013-04-16File Name: B00D45HYZM

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy Juliann GlennLove this very talented artist.

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