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The Cambridge Companion to Sam Shepard (Cambridge Companions to Literature)

DOC The Cambridge Companion to Sam Shepard (Cambridge Companions to Literature) by Matthew Roudaneacute; in Arts-Photography


Few American playwrights have exerted as much influence on the contemporary stage as Sam Shepard. His plays are performed on and off Broadway and in all the major regional American theatres. They are also widely performed and studied in Europe; particularly in Britain; Germany and France; finding both a popular and scholarly audience. In this collection of seventeen original essays; American and European authors from different professional and academic backgrounds explore the various aspects of Shepards career - his plays; poetry; music; fiction; acting; directing and film work. The volume covers the major plays; including Curse of the Starving Class; Buried Child; and True West; as well as other lesser known but vitally important works. A thorough chronology of Shepards life and career; together with biographical chapters; a note from the legendary Joseph Chaikin; and an interview with the playwright; give a fascinating first-hand account of an exuberant and experimental personality.

#1973872 in eBooks 2002-05-27 2002-05-27File Name: B00A4A66RM

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy Katherine H. BurkmanStimulating and important plays.

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