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The Emergence of the Interior: Architecture; Modernity; Domesticity

ePub The Emergence of the Interior: Architecture; Modernity; Domesticity by Charles Rice in Arts-Photography


Taking a radical position counter to many previous histories and theories of the interior; domesticity and the home; The Emergence of the Interior considers how the concept and experience of the domestic interior have been formed from the beginning of the nineteenth century. It considers the interiors emergence in relation to the thinking of Walter Benjamin and Sigmund Freud; and; through case studies; in architectures trajectories toward modernism.The book argues that the interior emerged with a sense of doubleness; being understood and experienced as both a spatial and an image-based condition. Incorporating perspectives from architecture; critical history and theory; and psychoanalysis; The Emergence of the Interior will be of interest to academics and students of the history and theory of architecture and design; social history; and cultural studies.

#2526127 in eBooks 2006-11-22 2006-11-22File Name: B000SIYIDY

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy Jan G MorrowBeautiful illustrations - so inspiring!11 of 12 people found the following review helpful. Rather than timeless; a slice of timeBy CustomerDover Publications is a friend to anyone looking into the past; with its incredible array of reprints of books -- some seminal; some highly idiosyncratic -- in art; architecturre; crafts; math; science; technology; and much more. And theyre always affordable.This one captures a point in time more than it inspires. It appears to be largely a collection of wallpaper (or stencil) designs; in mainly muted colors; with each design consisting of from one to three hues.Among the stylized and abstracted natural forms you expect from art nouveau are a very few realistic; kitchy; chocolate-box roses and hollyhocks. They are jarring; the kinds of designs youd see on your great-aunt Pearls bread box or your great-grandmothers collection of postcards.Herr Wolfrum -- or his customers -- liked swags; ribbons; classical elements; and vases of cut flowers. One or more of these is part of nearly every design.All told; whether its the muted colors or the predictable step-and-repeat of the designs themselves; there seem to be few inspiring images. That said; there are individual design elements worth study; from the way a blossom is abstracted to the form of a leaf-spray (the pattern on the cover shows you what I mean).And certainly this collection will be of use to anyone interested in a showcase of vernacular art of the era; unadulterated by todays tastes. Unfortunately the era is hard to pinpoint; since the original book had no date; but Im guessing 1910. You get all the chic colors of the time: dark olive; brown; tan; dusky red; deep lavender.You never know... in time; everything comes around again. Maybe in 2055; these designs will find their way back to an ecstatic audience. Theyd certainly give an inimitable backdrop to the darker Ibsen and Strindberg plays.1 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Art Nouveau Patterns by Friedrich Wolfrum and CoBy J.L. Alig"150 Full-cullor Art Nouveau Patterns and Designs;" by Friedrich Wolfrum and Co. contains 58 pages of designs in color. .com delivered this book to me; in a timely manner. I do like the book; for its artwork.However; I was quite disappointed that there was no background information on the Friedrich Wolfrum and Co. I was equally disappointed that there was no biography of Friedrich Wolfrum. There is a reason I ordered this book. I had hoped to find information about Friedrich Wolfrum. I had hoped to find copies of his designs; which would match the designs in the stained glass windows from Friedrich Wolfrum in Saint Peter Catholic Church; near Fort Recovery; in Mercer County; Ohio.I have served as Director of the Mercer County Ohio Historical Museum from 1973-2004. I have served as President of the Mercer County Historical Society; 1973 to the present (2010). The Mission of this Society is To Preserve Mercer County History and To Educate the Public about that history.Since Saint Peter Catholic Church; near Fort Recovery; in Mercer County; Ohio is celebrating their 150th Anniversary this year; they asked me for information about the churchs stained glass windows; which were purchased from "Friedrich and Wolfrum." I do not know if that was a clerical error; that there were two people; or if this was and individual company; Friedrich Wolfrum and Co. I believe that the windows were purchased from Friedrich Wolfrum. I have been unable to find very much information about Friedrich Wolfrum or this Company.In this book of 150 designs; I found only one small likeness of a design in the stained glass window at Saint Peter Catholic Church. It is the stylized; five petal flower; in the center of page 28. I had hoped to match more of the designs in the book to the stained glass windows in this church. It was not to be.If anyone knows about the history of Friedrich Wolfrum and Co.; or knows more about his additional designs for church windows; I would be glad to correspond with them. I would also be glad to share the history about this Church with others.I will share any information given to me; with this Saint Peter Catholic Church.Sincerely;Joyce Alig; PresidentMercer County Ohio Historical Society; Inc.3054 Burk-St. Henry RoadSaint Henry; OH

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