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The Fabulous Interiors of the Great Ocean Liners in Historic Photographs (Dover Maritime)

ePub The Fabulous Interiors of the Great Ocean Liners in Historic Photographs (Dover Maritime) by William H. Miller Jr. in Arts-Photography


New York City as it was 1853-1901; through 196 wonderful photographs: great blizzard; Lincolns funeral procession; great buildings; much more.

#1087950 in eBooks 2013-07-24 2013-07-24File Name: B00DGBMI0K

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Not the most thrilling read but had an awesome price and I was able to rent it rather ...By SPurchased for a class. Not the most thrilling read but had an awesome price and I was able to rent it rather than buy. Way cheaper than the college book store plus; I could read it on my Kindle!15 of 15 people found the following review helpful. A thoughtful presentation on design and adaptation.By A CustomerThis fascinating book provides a complilation of articles centered around the issue of individuals residing where they want; despite disability illness. It begins by proposing that universal design; rather than specialized design; can be cheaper more convenient for people with certain disabilities. Furthermore; universal design eliminates the distinction between people with or without disabilities.Each article enhances ones perspective on design adaptation. Through a program implemented by the Pennsylvania Department of Aging; we are shown the importance of follow-up visits. These insure that the recommended modifications are implemented correctly and that the client can incorporate them appropriately. Another study suggests re-evaluation of existing ADA accessibility guidelines for toileting grab bars. Current configurations appears to be most appropriate for non-ambulatory transfers not the semi-ambulatory transfers that are predominant in the aging population. This results in increased dependancy. We are also given an international perspective on the use of modifications in old age homes in India.An additional article reveals; counterintuitively; that older adults in specialized living situations; such as retirement homes; report a better sense of quality of life than those who live in their own homes. Unsurprisingly; those in nursing homes reported the lowest quality of life. A discussion follows regarding the disengagement of residents in nursing homes the possibilities of adapting the environment to correct this.The book concludes with a perspective on implications for occupational therapists. With their abilities to assess functional capacities of the elderly who may have chronic or progressive disorders; they may be in a better position to design modifications than the traditional architects; engineers; interior designers /or urban planners.This book offered a thoughtful presentation on the design adaptation implications for our aging population. One realizes that there is much more knowledge to be attained to optimize the home environment for our aging adults. Aging In Place is a good place to start.

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