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The Intercultural Performance Handbook

audiobook The Intercultural Performance Handbook by John Martin in Arts-Photography


The Intercultural Performance Handbook opens up a new world of technique for performers. The first ever full-length; fully illustrated manual for practitioners; it provides:*a guide to the physical; vocal and improvisational dynamics drawn from world performance styles*a new vocabulary with which to interpret plays from around the globe*games to use for exploring rhythm; movement; balance; tension and gesture; breathwork; stylisation and the use of the voice*a practical approach to creating vibrant theatrical work.Studies on intercultural performance are usually written by scholars and reasearchers. John Martin explains the definition and development of intercultural performance studies from the perspective of an experienced practitioner. He provides exercises; practical advice and a clear training process for the inquiring actor or director.This book is a process of discovery; carefully written so as to develop understanding and move towards empowerment for the adventurous theatre-maker.

#2716854 in eBooks 2004-03-01 2004-03-01File Name: B000OI19PI

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Digital CurrentsBy Leslie SutcliffeAn excellent discussion of issues related to technology and its effect on culture. I found myself underlining things and writing in the margins. She is at her best when framing philosophical issues and making generalizations about the future of art and technology; a little weaker when addressing actual artists and their work. She uses Platonic and Aristotelian philosophy to explain two ways artists approach technology and yet the book is refreshingly free of tech or art jargon. A great companion book would be Charles Aclands Residual Media.Residual Media0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Four StarsBy Kit A GallowayIt worked - I like it!0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. GreatBy GretchenGot it for class. Great condition

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