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The Listening Book

PDF The Listening Book by W. A. Mathieu in Arts-Photography


laquo;U piscispata srsquo;ammazza da sulu. Unrsquo;avi vograve;gghia di fagrave;risi piscagrave;riraquo;* Con questa frase Zu Beppe; un pescatore di Favignana; accoglie in casa Nino Pizzuto; giovane turista al quale ha affittato una stanza per lrsquo;estate. Dapprima infastidito; poi incuriosito; lrsquo;ospite incomincia ad ascoltare i racconti sulla tonnara e decide di tornare lrsquo;anno successivo durante il periodo della pesca. Grazie a Zu Beppe; Nino sale a bordo delle barche che formano il quadrato della morte e assiste alla mattanza dal vivo; a contatto coi tonnaroti. Affascinato e turbato da quella esperienza; torna per anni sullrsquo;isola; al punto da essere inserito; unico forestiero; nellrsquo;equipaggio. Ha cosigrave; modo di entrare in confidenza coi pescatori; conoscere le loro storie; i segreti del loro lavoro; la fatiche; i riti; le superstizioni; le dicerie che da piugrave; di mille anni circondano la mattanza. Sono gli accadimenti della vita che a un certo punto tengono Nino lontano dallrsquo;isola; ma ciograve; non gli impedisce di venire a conoscenza della tragedia che colpisce la famiglia di Zu Beppe. Saragrave; Favignana a riannodare il filo che lega Nino a quei luoghi e; dopo la chiusura della tonnara; toccheragrave; a lui trovare il modo di non lasciare morire il ricordo dei tonnaroti del mar delle Egadi. E tramandare le leggende che da sempre abitano lrsquo;isola. *(Il pescespada si ammazza da solo. Lui non vuole farsi pescare)

#815200 in eBooks 1991-03-27 1991-03-27File Name: B00BBXJGX2

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Dense but intriguingBy Alexandra RoedderSome of the essays are dull and dense; as some scholarly essays can be; but they throw many of the conventional wisdoms of film music studies into a new light and question our assumptions.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. ProvocativeBy McCollThis collection remains relevant and likely will for some time. It is diverse and contains new essays by thoughtful; engaged scholars. Bordwells particular critique of what he calls Grand Theory remains unconvincing to me; but his argument for a kind of middle theory is appealing. Academic departments (often unknowingly) promote a kind of formula for criticism in which the big idea comes first; and individual works serve as illustrations for that big idea. Bordwell advocates starting with the works themselves and working from there. Its an admirable wish; one that he himself cannot follow; as his other texts show. (One cant leave ones ideology at the door; especially if one cannot recognize it.) Dont bother reading this book if you cant tell the difference between Porter and Griffith or between Freud and Lacan. Dont order it if you cannot define poststructuralist theory--the essays critique of it will only confuse you. And this book is definitely not for readers who dislike the rigor of literary and film theory more generally: it will not give them the ammo they seek. Instead; it is for those readers who want a provocative; well-rounded collection of essays that extend their focus beyond mere reviews.5 of 6 people found the following review helpful. "Down with the Theory! Long live theory"By J. JulianoThis collection of essays; organized by David Bordwell and Noel Carroll; puts forth an argument against the long-standing Grand Theory often invoked by film scholars. Bordwell; Carroll; and their contributors all take different approaches to writing about film in order to demonstrate that there is no need to invoke "the Theory" (a synthesis of post-structuralism; Marxism; semiotics; and Lacanian psychoanalysis) when theorizing about films. Insisting on logical argument and evidence (both textual and reception-based); the essays in this collection are a great rebuke to the throttling of creativity and new ideas wrought by the hegemony of Theory in film studies. A great read for anyone in film; literature; or cultural studies who wants a different take on theoretical pursuits than those proposed by the old school followers of Althusser; Barthes; Metz; et al. Not every essay is fantastic; of course. But if youre interested in rationalism and logic and tired of the assumptions and lack of proof in Theory; youre likely to find at least one piece here that argues for your perspective.

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