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The Place of Home: English domestic environments; 1914-2000 (Planning; History and Environment Series)

DOC The Place of Home: English domestic environments; 1914-2000 (Planning; History and Environment Series) by Alison Ravetz; Professor Alison Ravetz; R. Turkington in Arts-Photography


Over the past 16 years; new theories and models have emerged in the stress and anxiety knowledge base regarding the unique forms associated with performance. Existing theories have been applied in creative and helpful ways to better explicate relationships between stress and anxiety with performance. Recently; more sophisticated statistical strategies have been applied to data collected with performers; and additional; safe and expedient strategies for managing stress and anxiety have surfaced. Despite these new advances; the field has been lacking an up-to-date and practical text for undergraduate and graduate students in performing or performance-mentoring programs. Managing Performance Stress examines psychological and psychophysiological models and theories that explain causes of anxiety and stress. An easy-to-use reference work for athletes; musicians; dancers and actors as well as those who devise and conduct their training programs; the book presents exercises; coaching devices; and strategies for conquering stress and anxiety. It is an invaluable resource for those who are performers; will be performers; or who are preparing to mentor; coach or teach performers. The principles enunciated in Managing Performance Stress apply equally to the musician holding an oboe and the athlete holding a baseball bat. The issues explored and the theories; principles; models; hypotheses discussed all bear upon and clarify arousal; stress and anxiety related to artistic and sport performance; irrespective of its kind.

#4110608 in eBooks 2013-05-24 2013-05-24File Name: B00D1YBL6E

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Pros that are serious about color fidelityBy Brett A.; TurnerA real book of tons of highly technical information given in a way that you actually learn; IF you DO it as they say.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Clearly written and comprehensive. Ive looked at other advanced ...By InterviewGuyClearly written and comprehensive. Ive looked at other advanced color management books and this one seems to be the easiest to understand.11 of 13 people found the following review helpful. A Home Run for PhotographersBy AndyGFull disclosure. Tom and I attended the Rochester Institute of Technology back in the late 1980s. After graduation; I followed a path into the printing industry and Tom followed a path of color management and education. I caught up with Tom many years later and was thrilled to see how he dedicated his career to color excellence. For much of the last 20+ years; the tools were available to make great images; but the practice of color management was somewhat of a black art. It didnt need to be so; but the complexity often overwhelmed all by the most dedicated practitioners. Toms book demystifies the science and practice of color reproduction. Whereas the wet-materials and process science books of the past were perfect for the film era; Toms book is idea for the digital era. I applaud my friend for his dedication to producing such an amazing book. I can envision educators using this as part of their core curriculum. Well done!

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