Cegrave; un punto dove il mare sincontra con la terra; acqua a spegnere il fuoco di tutta una vita. E zona di concepimento. La cenere; come seme; vola lontano andandosi a raccontare chissagrave; dove.In questa realtagrave; di confine un vecchio racconta le sue storie; uno scrittore le scrive; e sulla sabbia restano le lettere.... che le onde non hanno il coraggio di cancellare.Era cosigrave; piccola; cosigrave; minuta; che da sola non ce lavrebbe mai fatta a preparare il pane per un mondo cosigrave; grande come quello di oggiLa BiondinaNon diceva quello che pensava; quello lo fanno tutti. Ti diceva quello che pensavi. E tu ascoltavi.Il MagoMetteva a posto la testa della gente mettendoci un cappello sopraLuomo dei cappelliE un maledetto casino spiegare queste cose a chi non le ha viste.AriaVinse solo un concorso. Spaccograve; il palco e fece volare tutta la giuria. Del palco disse che era tutta legna da bruciare; della giuria disse; meglio col culo per terra; quella gente ligrave;.PietraLa gente va a letto e sogna senza sapere. La mattina si sveglia senza capire; e uno che non capisce finisce che dimentica.La Signora dellacqua che sogna.Dentro la carne del suo corpo ci potevi piantare anche i chiodi. Di sangue neppure una goccia.Anima di Legno"Prosa poetica o racconto breve poco importa. Ciograve; che veramente conta egrave; la forza che scaturisce dalla galleria di personaggi fantastici che lautore riesce a far vivere; a rendere veri attori di quello spettacolo troppo spesso deprimente che egrave; la vita. Lo stile egrave; ironico e tagliente; ma da ogni pagina filtra una tranquillitagrave; presente e un po "stonata" che rende piugrave; rotondo e curioso il colloquio narrativo."dalla rivista POESIA N. 156 Del Dicembre 2001
#1548112 in eBooks 2013-05-17 2013-05-17File Name: B00D3QD7CG
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A Surprisingly Good Read!By dorieaThoroughly enjoyed from start to finish. Am so grateful I purchased this book. I liked the history explanation of the labyrinth as well as the personal spiritual walk. So pleased I purchased the book as it went way beyond my expectations.3 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Be refreshed in the labyrinths steps with JesusBy jwinterscomIt is not very often that I come across a book about God that I find to be truly refreshing. Most of the time; the books I read about God and following Him are interesting; challenging; motivating; or something else - but rarely do they leave me feeling like I have experienced Godrsquo;s peace. Travis Schollrsquo;s book; Walking the Labyrinth leaves you with this rare feeling.Walking the Labyrinth is a reflection on Schollrsquo;s chosen Lenten practice one year - to walk the Labyrinth; pray the Lordrsquo;s Prayer; and meditate upon his own life in the frame of the Gospel according to Mark. And you; the reader; get to plod along with him - feeling the rhythms of his footsteps internally. As Scholl himself reflects on the call of Jesus; he reflects that it is a call to refreshment: "Come; follow me." The irony is that I read these words as a sabbath; a day of rest from work. It is the labyrinthrsquo;s invitation too."Some have already; and perhaps you too wonder about this seemingly ldquo;new-ageyrdquo; practice of labyrinth walking and how that fits with orthodox Christianity. As you read the book; however; you find the applications of the labyrinth in all sorts of ancient and modern Christian contexts. You will find that the labyrinth is not so important in this book; but the One whom you find in the labyrinth is.I recommend this book for anyone who is tired of the ldquo;usualrdquo; in Christian literature. Talk a step into the labyrinth with Scholl and enjoy the refreshment that comes from his (and your) walk with Jesus.0 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Would recommend this to my friendsBy CustomerI enjoyed the authors personal daily journey through the labyrinth and how he related it back to Jesus journey to the cross and his resurrection. I would read one or two chapters a day and then try to digest what I had read. There were a few days when I had a harder time following the authors train of thought; but overall; I feel like I grew in my faith walk from his story.