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The Queening of America

audiobook The Queening of America by David Van Leer in Arts-Photography


Since at least the end of the nineteenth century; gay culture - its humour; its icons; its desires - has been alive and sometimes even visible in the midst of straight American society. David Van Leer puts forward here a series of readings that aim to identify what he calls the "queening" of America; a process by which "rhetorics and situations specific to homosexual culture are presented to a general readership as if culturally neutral." The Queening of America examines how the invisibility of gay male writing; especially in the popular culture of the 1950s and 1960s; facilitated the crossing of gay motifs in straight culture. Van Leer then critiques some current models of making homosexuality visible (the packaging of Joe Orton; the theories of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick; the rise of gay studies); before concluding more optimistically with the possible alliances between gay culture and other minority discourses.

#1922410 in eBooks 2012-11-12 2012-11-12File Name: B00ABM3HC0

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Check the variables!By nmh5001Inconsistent notation. For example; on the same page; it shows bending stress = M/S and shear stress = SV/Ib; except the two Ss arent the same value. Again; on the same page; it shows S = I/c and SV/Ib = 3V/2A for rectangles. Great. But knowing that the shear modulus (S)=bh^2/6 and I=bh^3; SV/Ib 3V/2A. Why couldnt they use shear stress = QV/Ib like everyone else? Q being the static moment; not the shear modulus. In fairness; they do an example on the next page making it clear they arent the same thing; but why use the same variable on the same page two rows apart from each other when they dont represent the same value!? Its supposed to be a quick reference guide. If you quickly looked at that page and ran with it; youd get the wrong answer.4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. good basic formulasBy DennisI bought this book mainly for the frame analysis. I have referred to it on several occasions since buying it. I would recommend it.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Ok; but not goodBy Kristian setsaasNot what I expected; drawings and illustration are unsharp and hard to analyse.

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