Art criticism is spurned by universities; but widely produced and read. It is seldom theorized and its history has hardly been investigated. The State of Art Criticism presents an international conversation among art historians and critics that considers the relation between criticism and art history and poses the question of whether criticism may become a university subject. Contributors include Dave Hickey; James Panero; Stephen Melville; Lynne Cook; Michael Newman; Whitney Davis; Irit Rogoff; Guy Brett and Boris Groys.
#2366506 in eBooks 2007-11-13 2007-11-13File Name: B000SMF4SS
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Overflowing ExhibitionismBy David WinebergJust the thought of a poster subscription series makes me wonder why no one does this today. At the turn of the previous century; with Art Nouveau in full bloom; Victorian still prominent; and Art Deco hinted as the future; posters blossomed. They were most decidedly worth receiving in the mail ndash; four a month; for a full series of 240. Mucha; Toulouse-Lautrec; Grasset and countless others; made their living in advertising.And here they are; in order; numbered; with stats about the artists; and an overview. The artists were breaking out of the stifling Victorian mould. They were no longer restricted to geometric frameworks. Their subjects could be facing away; playing with the text; woven into the title; or have nothing whatever to do with the product being advertised. The artists made up new fonts like there was no tomorrow. For centuries; there had been only a handful of fonts outside the decorous initial letters of religious text chapters. Here; now; for all to see; was open competition to attract the eye of the passer-by. And in as ultra-modern a fashion as possible.It was an exuberant era; beautifully assembled in this Dover collection for all to see in outsized pages.David Wineberg0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. For collectors and lovers of great poster art!By M. JordanWonderful large format book with glossy images of each of the gorgeous posters in the "Les Maicirc;tres de lAffiche" series. Beautiful to look at; and; for collectors; a great reference.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Complete visual referenceBy Brett CThis product is exactly as represented - a complete collection of the series in full color. Each poster had its own full page and was well reproduced. I consider this a perfect reference resource for anyone interested in this series or classic poster art in general. Note; however; that as another reviewer stated; this item is pretty much just the collected posters....there is no real textual history about the works. Considering this product represents what was already a collected homage made 115 years or so ago anyway that is to be expected. Note that many of the wonderful smaller stone lithographs made for the original Chaix series are still quite readily available. I recently saw that Martin Lawrence galleries had some in their collection. While these items can often range anywhere from $1000 to $6000 individually; when galleries have their seasonal auctions; many of these plates can be had for as little as $500.