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The Swimsuit: Fashion from Poolside to Catwalk

ebooks The Swimsuit: Fashion from Poolside to Catwalk by Christine Schmidt in Arts-Photography


Throughout history certain forms and styles of dress have been deemed appropriate - or more significantly; inappropriate - for people as they age. Older women in particular have long been subject to social pressure to tone down; to adopt self-effacing; covered-up styles. But increasingly there are signs of change; as older women aspire to younger; more mainstream; styles; and retailers realize the potential of the grey market. Fashion and Age is the first study to systematically explore the links between clothing and age; drawing on fashion theory and cultural gerontology to examine the changing ways in which age is imagined; experienced and understood in modern culture through the medium of dress. Clothes lie between the body and its social expression; and the book explores the significance of embodiment in dress and in the cultural constitution of age.Drawing on the views of older women; journalists and fashion editors; and clothing designers and retailers; it aims to widen the agenda of fashion studies to encompass the everyday dress of the majority; shifting the debate about age away from its current preoccupation with dependency; towards a fuller account of the lived experience of age. Fashion and Age will be of great interest to students of fashion; material culture; sociology; sociology of age; history of dress and to clothing designers.

#1695047 in eBooks 2013-07-18 2013-07-18File Name: B00DP1IAXA

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Reasonable effort; but to my taste too much is ...By SamReasonable effort; but to my taste too much is devoted to why others are wrong as opposed to being straightforwardly informative.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Great~By Chi-sue YehSimply great~~

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