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The University of Iowa Guide to Campus Architecture (Bur Oak Guide)

PDF The University of Iowa Guide to Campus Architecture (Bur Oak Guide) by John Beldon Scott; Rodney P. Lehnertz in Arts-Photography


This second edition of Lasters Catalog combines in one volume the listings from the first catalog with the voluminous material that has appeared since 1973; more than doubling the number of citations. It is designed as an aid for the church musician and/or pastor seeking to plan unified worship services. It will also be of use to those church musicians who follow the Liturgical Calendar and plan music appropriate to the appointed lessons; as well as a source for non-church choir directors who would like to locate choral settings based on a particular passage from Scripture. Entries are arranged from Genesis through Revelation. Each main entry citation provides the biblical reference (book; chapter; and verse); as well as a reference to additional passages from Scripture used in the anthem. The composer; arranger; or editor and the title are listed as they appear on the octavo. Information on voicing; solos; and instrumental accompaniment is noted; the name of the publisher; the most recent date of publication and the octavo number appear at the end of each citation; where information on instrumental parts; other versions of the same title; and collections where the work might appear are also listed. Composer and title indexes round off the work.

#3246728 in eBooks 2006-04-01 2006-04-01File Name: B00DGM6SJQ

16 of 16 people found the following review helpful. Pleasantly surprised!By Zabrina BurfordThe lesson of this book; for me; is theres always plenty more to learn. Ive been playing blues bass for nearly two decades and there are still aspects of the blues language with which I am not familiar because I dont play much guitar. Having started on baritone ukulele just last year; I wanted to try to learn some of those aspects; and ran across this book. It is quite surprisingly thorough. The author starts with a wide variety of chord progressions -- much more than the standard I-IV-V7; 12-bar form -- some of which Id learned by ear on bass from recordings; but had not thought much about in theoretical terms. For a blues book; this might seem to some as too expository about harmony; but I am interested in learning that. Ive just gotten started and theres a lot left to learn. This is not for the novice uke-ist; but a great third or fourth book; which will have you strumming unusual chords; playing lead; and fingerpicking. If you play soprano; concert; or GCEA-tuned tenor ukulele; this book will give you no problems. As a baritonist; with a DGBE-tuned instrument; I must either follow the chord symbols and ignore both the notation and tabs; or follow the tabs and play in a different key (a fourth down). So far Ive done a little of both. I would prefer to have a baritone edition of this book to keep working on note-reading; but theres probably not enough of a market for that. In short; I highly recommend this book/CD -- it has great exercises and explains the theory or thinking behind them; and it is chock full of things to work on. I bet itll keep me plenty busy this summer.9 of 9 people found the following review helpful. Valuable resourceBy coolhandukeOne thing that constantly amazes me about playing music is that there is always something else to learn. Despite playing ukulele for 52 years and teaching it for 25; I still find pathways in music that somehow eluded me in the past. Rubins blues ukulele book is not just an intro but a great reference. I especially appreciate the clarity he brings to the various scales used in playing blues. A good book to keep handy.5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Awesome bookBy DJThis is a really good book. I highly recommend it. Its easy to learn and I have only been player for a short period of time. The only small issue that I have with the book is that there are times when it is not clear enough. Part of the book acts like it is for beginners and then it acts as if you just already know the information. It is a very good book though.

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