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The Uses of Greek Mythology (Approaching the Ancient World)

PDF The Uses of Greek Mythology (Approaching the Ancient World) by Ken Dowden in Arts-Photography


In an innovative sequence of topics; Ken Dowden explores the uses Greeks made of myth and the uses to which we can put myth in recovering the richness of their culture. Most aspects of Greek life and history - including war; religion and sexuality - which are discernable through myth; as well as most modern approaches; are given a context in a book which is designed to be useful; accessible and stimulating.

#1591017 in eBooks 2002-09-11 2002-09-11File Name: B000FA62XO

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Essential Reading for Performance ScholarsBy Jess CurtisMcKenzie does an outstanding job of outlining issues and current discourse that are framed by the term performance in society today. I think this is a must read for anyone in performance studies especially; but also dance; theater and cultural studies.3 of 13 people found the following review helpful. Philosophical discussion of performanceBy Paul BakerAs far as I can tell; this book is a philosophical discussion of "performance" in the context of 20th century U.S. business culture. The author starts the discussion by parsing the idea of "perform or else" into a few different perspectives. In doing so; the author shows how a simple; but common phrase has many meanings; intricate enough to expand into an entire book. The author argues that the idea of "performance" is to the 20th century what the idea of "discipline" was to the 19th century. Overall an interesting book. I think it gives some insight into the culture of work today. It is not a simple book about improving your performance. If you critique Dilbert; this may be interesting.

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