Unterrichtsentwurf aus dem Jahr 2007 im Fachbereich Kunst - Kunstpauml;dagogik; Note: 1;0; Studienseminar Gouml;ttingen; Sprache: Deutsch; Abstract: Ein Unterrichtsentwurf fuuml;r eine Kunststunde in einer vierten Klasse zum Thema "Dreidimensionale Drahtzeichnungen" angeregt durch Picassos Einlinienzeichnungen. Der Entwurf enthauml;lt eine ausfuuml;hrliche Beschreibung der gesamten Einheit "Von der Zeichnung zur Plastik"; die Aufschluuml;sselung der Kompetenzbereiche mit den zu erwartenden Grob- und Feinlernzielen; eine Lernausgangslage der Klasse; eine Sachanalyse und die ausfuuml;hrlichen didaktisch-methodischen Uuml;berlegungen sowie den Unterrichtsverlauf.
#2889539 in eBooks 1995-01-01 2013-03-19File Name: B00BY13G6E
6 of 6 people found the following review helpful. Excellent intro to "Medieval music" and all its complexityBy Chris SaharExcellent intro to "Medieval music" and all its complexity. The essay approach is well-suited to a field that faces source material ranging from rich and well-preserved to scattershot or poorly kept. For example; the widely uneven range of quality and quantity of source material explains the dominance of Machaut over de Vitry in the 14th century despite Vitrys highly esteemed and innovative output - Machaut; being a secretary to one of the powerful nobles in France; had access to printing technology of the day and could self-published his music and poetry. while DeVitry did not and his works were at the competency of the authors of the many compilations composers works where usually to be found.Also good overview comparison the growing sophistication of organum and the forms that were prime grounds for the growth of Western art musics one defining characteristic: polyphony.