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Thelonious Monk - Intermediate Piano Solos Songbook

ebooks Thelonious Monk - Intermediate Piano Solos Songbook by Thelonious Monk; Ronnie Mathews in Arts-Photography


Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2012 im Fachbereich Medien / Kommunikation - Mediengeschichte; Note: 1;0; Universitauml;t der Bundeswehr Muuml;nchen; Neubiberg; Sprache: Deutsch; Abstract: Seit vielen Jahren ist die von abendlauml;ndischen Werten geprauml;gte westliche Welt an den asiatischen Kulturen und deren Andersartigkeit interessiert. Sei es das spirituell gelassene Leben oder die Kampfkunst aus dem Fernen Osten; weshalb viele Menschen von den Mythen Asiens fasziniert sind. Die Samurai; die Kriegerklasse des alten Japans; kouml;nnen als einer dieser Mythen angesehen werden. Jedoch ist es auch bei dieser elitauml;ren Schicht wie bei fast jedem anderen Mythos. Viele unliebsame Aspekte verschwinden aus der Wahrnehmung des westlichen Beobachters und was uuml;brig bleibt; ist ein Japanbild; welches in einer uuml;beraus positiven Rezeption hauptsauml;chlich von Ehre; Treue und einer ganz besonderen Hingabe in nahezu allen Bereichen des Lebens geprauml;gt ist.Ende des Jahres 2003 wurde ein Film in den Lichtspielhauml;usern dieser Welt prauml;sentiert; welcher sich genau dieser Thematik; nauml;mlich den japanischen Samurai annahm. Mit THE LAST SAMURAI inszenierte Regisseur Edward Zwick einen Film; welcher das sich im Umbruch befindende Japan der Jahre 1876 und 1877 darstellt. In diesem als Meiji-Restauration bekannten Modernisierungsprozess des japanischen Staates findet sich der in den Diensten des japanischen Kaisers stehende amerikanische Militauml;rberater Captain Nathan Algren wieder. Die von Tom Cruise gemimte Hauptfigur hatte zuvor im amerikanischen Buuml;rgerkrieg gekauml;mpft und musste sich in den Indianerkriegen behaupten. In Japan gerauml;t Algren in Gefangenschaft der aufstauml;ndischen Samurai und lernt den Anfuuml;hrer der Rebellion kennen; welcher sich fuuml;r den Erhalt der traditionellen japanischen Werte einsetzt. Ungeachtet seiner Situation nauml;hert sich der Amerikaner der Kultur der Samurai an und kauml;mpft schlieszlig;lich an deren Seite gegen die mit moderner Waffentechnik ausgeruuml;steten Truppen des Meiji-Kaisers.

#1610782 in eBooks 2000-01-01 2000-01-01File Name: B00FF9VSKM

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful. Orlando Magnifico!By F. ONeillCharles James Fox; one of my heroes of the English 18th Cent.; said that all Englishmen should learn Italian just to read Orlando Furioso. This seems a sound use of time. It is a lovely Christmas stocking (of a giant; it is absurdly long!) full of astonishing toys and trinkets that jump out and pirouette under the tree. Two knights fight a magician on a magic flying horse who soars and swings like a yo-yo so that the magician is always popping up like a horrid hornet behind the knights necks to sting and sting. A myrtle bush recounts its sad love affairs as a man to a perfect stranger who has just flown in on a hippogryff. A beautiful girl knight knocks all the guys senseless; then falls into a hole where Merlin tells her the biographies of her unborn children and grandchildren. People dependent entirely on horses drop in on Scotland for lunch; and then go back to North Africa. I could go on; and the dear; gentle; Count Ludovico Ariosto most certainly does.The Italian is considerably less knotty than The Divine Comedy--and the subject is much more merrily simple-minded. Obsolete words will certainly be encountered: "verrone" for "balcone" ="balcony" just for one. There are naturally words for parts of armor and saddlery you do not really need to buy an ice-cream in Milan. You need a good Italian dictionary or a very good English-Italian (Oxford-Paravia; for example). The grammar is straightforward; though he does abbreviate words; making them look a little strange.The central story is of a crusading knight; Count Orlando; who falls in love with a girl who is (a) a pagan; (b) a sorceress. If this seems a bad idea; she also loathes men. This tense situation causes Count Orlando to go comprehensively mad--"furioso." No matter. Help is at hand! Two French knights in Morocco go to the Moon to retrieve his brain in a bottle.The writing and the metre are as fresh as a summer breeze.Kindle has done a decent job of the Italian typesetting. Accents are usually as they should be; and I do not find many typos. But note:--this edition has no English text. It really is Italian.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. but its a very bad edition; with no preface/biographyBy GioThe book does have the complete poem in Italian; but its a very bad edition; with no preface/biography; no notes whatsoever; and the stanzas arent even divided by verse: they are all amassed there. If you need an emergency book its okay; but as for the rest; it sucks. Also; the people who handled the package made a terrible job at shipping it: it arrived already bent and ruined.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. essentialBy ginnothere are some books that have to be on your shelf; either for reference or for reading whenever you think that you are ready to face the argument. I think that the classics are important if one needs to have a general and basic culture. sometimes we regret not having read one book or another; so its best to have it on hand. I found Orlando Furioso the msterpiece of Ariosto; very interesting and a must reading for those who have to have a good knowledge of Italian culture.

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