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Towards a New Architect

ePub Towards a New Architect by Yasmin Shariff; Jane Tankard in Arts-Photography


Digital Restoration: Start to Finish 2nd edition guides you step-by-step through the entire process of restoring old photographs and repairing new ones using Adobe Photoshop; plug-ins; Picture Window; and now Elements. Nothing is left out; from choosing the right hardware and software and getting the photographs into the computer; to getting the finished photo out of the computer and preserving it for posterity. With this book you will learn how to: ? scan faded and damaged prints and films ? improve snapshots with the Shadow/Highlight adjustment ? correct uneven exposure and do dodging and burning-in with Curves adjustment layers ? scan and recover nearly blank photograph ? fix color with Curves and Hue/Saturation adjustment layers ? fix skin tones with airbrush layers ? hand-tint a photograph easily with masked layers ? fix color with plug-ins ? clean up dust and scratches ? repair small and large cracks with masks and filter ? eliminate tarnish and silvered-out spots from a photograph ? minimize unwanted print surface textures ? erase mildew spots ? eliminate the dots from newspaper photographs ? increase sharpness and fine detail in a photograph* NEW Workflow Diagram * NEW DODGE/BURN WITH SOFT LIGHT LAYER* NEW Photoshop Elements and plug ins

#4106461 in eBooks 2010-08-20 2010-08-20File Name: B00BMS13R8

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy marshallAwesome book and approach to transcription and analysis. Funny typo on the back says Miles David instead of Davis.

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