Viele junge Menschen; die gerne singen; verspuuml;ren den Drang; ihr Kouml;nnen zu professionalisieren. Nach wie vor gilt dabei die Oper als reizvolles berufliches Umfeld; das mit Anna Netrebko oder Jonas Kaufmann regelrechte Popstars hervorgebracht hat. Doch Opernsauml;nger wird man nicht einfach so. Und selbst wenn man erfolgreich eine Ausbildung absolviert hat; ist dies noch keine Garantie dafuuml;r; dass der Einstieg in den Beruf gluuml;ckt oder es mit der Karriere vorwauml;rtsgeht. Der ehemalige Intendant der Sauml;chsischen Staatsoper Gerd Uecker vermittelt in seinem Praxisratgeber anschaulich; welche Stufen der junge Sauml;nger zu durchlaufen hat; angefangen bei den persouml;nlichen Voraussetzungen uuml;ber Ausbildungswege; Vorsingen und erste Engagements bis hin zu Opernalltag; Umgang mit der Stimme; Krisen und alternativen Berufswegen.
2013-03-25 2013-03-25File Name: B00C1E5F4O
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Simplified; effective drumming techniqueBy S. RagsdaleAllow me to start by saying Ive always loved percussion. Since I was small Ive had the fire in my veins to play the drums. I started off with the most budget set available - aside from taking the Christoph Schneider route of building your own set out of trash cans - and tooling around with no real direction or formal instruction.I bought this book and began saving my pennies; and started from the most basic 4/4 quarter-note rhythyms and fills practicing everything from cover to cover until I felt I had absolute mastery of the subject.Little by little my drumming has improved - and this book makes it simple to learn the most basic pop; rock and their various sub-genres of drumming. Now; my sticking is impeccible and my time-keeping is darn-near perfect.After nearly a year of practice and saving I managed to afford a Roland TD-4K series v-drum (electronic) set which is absolutely astounding in terms of playability and sound quality.I highly recommend this book to any aspiring newbie drummers - practice regularly; make a set-list of songs you want to learn and various new rudiments; fills; solos etc that you want to learn and stick to it.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A must for any amateur drummer.By Simon WardI went from never touching an instrument in my life to bring able to play dream on in nine days with this book.0 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy Christie A. BricenoVery cheap and in great condition