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Urban Open Spaces

PDF Urban Open Spaces by Helen Woolley in Arts-Photography


There is enormous interest in urban design and the regeneration of our urban areas; but current thinking often concentrates on the built form; forgetting the important role that open spaces play. Urban Open Spaces brings together extensive research and practical experience to prove the opportunities and benefits of different types of open space to society and individuals. Focusing on the importance of open spaces in daily urban life; the book is divided into three sections. The first section describes the social; health; environmental and economic benefits and opportunities that open spaces can provide. The second section discusses the different types of urban open spaces that individuals or communities might use on a daily basis: from private gardens to commercial squares and waterway corridors. The final section provides best practice case-studies demonstrating urban spaces being incorporated in new developments and community initiatives. This is the first book to bring together a variety of evidence from different disciplines to outline the benefits and opportunities of urban open spaces in an accessible way. Not just for students and practitioners; this book will be of value for anyone interested in the design; development; regeneration; funding and use of open spaces in urban areas.

#3292046 in eBooks 2003-09-02 2003-09-02File Name: B000Q35TIY

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. "Art is a Process and a Journey . . . ."By TessaIm not a fan of his paintings but I must say; this is quite an excellent memoir. Enjoyed reading his account of his art school experiences and his journey to find a way of painting that made sense to him.But the most meaningful and memorable part of the book was Fischls account of his mother. She was an artist but never really worked at it; and eventually succumbed to alcoholism. Fischl writes; in one absolutely brilliant paragraph that is worth the whole book something to the effect that "art is a process and a journey." In order to progress you need to push past all the "voices in your head that tell you how much you suck." His mother could not do that. She was defeated before she began.Sometimes in a book there is one bit that really bites; and that really sticks. This was it for me.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Im fortunate that I escaped being a painterBy Bradford ShawIve spent much of my life wishing that I had chosen the life of an artist instead f entering a profession. Reading this book; Im fortunate that I escaped being a painter. I would have hit the street about the same time as Fischl when realism and even painting itself were very much out of fashion. He prospered and carved a niche for himself by being an ironic realist. In the contemporary art world; you dont dare appear sincere; in spite of the desperate sincerity of your ambition. And you must hope to be shocking. Its his weird world and he is welcome to it.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Fischl fans wont be disappointed. He goes in depth about his childhood and ...By BuffyIf you are an Eric Fischl fan this book will give you everything you wanted to know about his life and career. Fischl fans wont be disappointed. He goes in depth about his childhood and formative years; his days in art school; and his professional career up to the present. Fischl provides plenty of insight into the background and thinking that went into some of his paintings which will give the viewer a great understanding of his works. As someone who likes to read a lot of art books I feel this book will mostly be of interest to those who are aleady bid Fischl fans.

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