Fachbuch aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich Kunst - Malerei; Note: 1;0; Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitauml;t Muuml;nchen (Institut fuuml;r Kunstgeschichte); Veranstaltung: Propauml;deutikum Bildkuuml;nste; 2 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis; Sprache: Deutsch; Abstract: (Auszug:)Obwohl beide Bilder vom selben Kuuml;nstler gemalt worden sind; sind sie bei genauerer Betrachtung doch grundverschieden. Bei beiden Bildern ist Kirchner wichtig; mit Hilfe des Auml;uszlig;eren das Innere; die Stimmung der Frauen wiederzugeben. Aus diesem Grund sind sie in zwei verschiedenen Stilarten gemalt worden. Die blassen Farben und strengen Dreiecks-Formen von bdquo;Ernaldquo; vermitteln ihre melancholisch - traurige Stimmung; die sommerlichen Farben; die bunten Konturumrandungen und weichen Formen verdeutlichen das frouml;hliche Gemuuml;t von bdquo;Dodoldquo;. [...] Kirchner gelingt es insgesamt; seine individuelle Kuuml;nstlerhandschrift zu behalten; aber dennoch zwei verschiedene Modi zu verwenden.
#4474240 in eBooks 2008-04-29 2008-04-29File Name: B00D26K8YM
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. This Was Really GoodBy Laurie J. JacksonI am always looking for books that are relevant to studio painting theory and this was perfect. As a studio artist I related to the content and was informed. I wish I was still teaching painting on the graduate level because I would assign some of these essays to my students. Schor speaks clearly and distinctly; she understands methodology and practice and how these function in tandem. Many authors dont do this probably because books on art are often written from an art historical or art critic stand point. Schor who is also a painter enables her to make the distinction which I clearly identified with. I wish there were more writing as artists rather than the voyeuristic approach that it feels others take.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. So smart; exquisitely writtenBy ZBSo smart; exquisitely written. What else can I say? Good book; thrilled to have immediate access with the Kindle edition.0 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy Hayley BarkerThank you.