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Wedding Dogs: A Celebration of Holy Muttrimony

DOC Wedding Dogs: A Celebration of Holy Muttrimony by Katie Preston Toepfer; Sam Stall in Arts-Photography


Kultur kurios: neue Einblicke in die deutsche Seele von Bestsellerautor Ernst Horst.Deutschland 1953: In Wuuml;rzburg verlangt ein Regierungsschulrat; dass Medizinstudenten Anatomie nur am mauml;nnlichen Kouml;rper gelehrt bekommen. Die Anatomie des weiblichen Kouml;rpers solle erst dazukommen; wenn die Studenten verheiratet seien. Im neu erouml;ffneten Schwimmbad von Paderborn duuml;rfen Mauml;nner nur mit Badehosen von vorgeschriebener Beinlauml;nge und Frauen nur mit einteiligen Badeanzuuml;gen baden. Sittlichkeit landauf; landab. Kein Wunder; dass die Freikouml;rperkultur; genauer: die Gruuml;ndung eines Vereins zu dem Zwecke; nackt mit Familie und Freunden alltauml;glichen Vergnuuml;gungen wie Ringtennis oder Baden nachzugehen; ein ausgesprochen deutsches Phauml;nomen in der Geschichte darstellt.In Die Nackten und die Tobenden lauml;sst Kulturforscher Ernst Horst die Hochzeit der FKK-Bewegung von 1949 bis 1970 wiederaufleben; um zu untersuchen; wie der nackte Kouml;rper zum deutschen Kult wurde; welche Kontroversen die Deutschen bdquo;im Lichtkleidldquo; verursachten und wie sie ganz nebenbei eine nie da gewesene Medienlandschaft hervorbrachten.

#2783754 in eBooks 2013-04-16 2013-04-16File Name: B00B6OV90Y

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Enjoyable read with some good information.By Jules1xThis book contained some different information than other photography books; but I am not sure I am finding the information as useful for improving my photography as other books have. I did not find the grayish text difficult to read or bothersome like some other reviewers did. Most of the text is not gray; just small insert boxes here and there. I thought the examples given in the book were quite helpful to understand the discussions in the book; although I do agree with other reviewers that sometimes it got old having to flip back and forth pages to get to figures and photo examples referenced on pages aside from the page I was on.2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. A fascinating insight into why an image evokes passion in the viewer.By Barbara L. JordanThank you Ellen and Josh for writing a book addressing visual intensity. I found it fascinating to understand how colors; shapes; lines; etc. are perceived by our human brain. Now I at least understand why I like the way I compose certain scenes.Since I print my own images; I was very interested in the post processing portion of the book. When I first started my photography career; I did all my own darkroom work. I burned; dodged; toned; used different chemicals; etc.; to get the feel in the image that I had in the field when I took the photo. So many people dont think of post processing as darkroom work. You book helps remind people that using the digital darkroom is no different; other than no horrible chemicals. Of course; your book also gives wonderful tips on how to accomplish these techniques in a correct manner. Again; thank you. I have totally enjoyed this book and plan to recommend it to all my students.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. and my photos are so much better after applying the concepts taughtBy Sue HaverstockThe Anons teach about the visual intensity of a photograph and how to improve it while shooting and during post editing. Makes so much sense; and my photos are so much better after applying the concepts taught. A must read for photographers and the concepts apply to other arts.

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