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West Side Story: Cultural Perspectives on an American Musical

ebooks West Side Story: Cultural Perspectives on an American Musical by Elizabeth A. Wells in Arts-Photography


Augusto Boal desarrolloacute; los principios contenidos en Teatro del Oprimido en la deacute;cada de 1970 en Brasil; en el seno de una renovacioacute;n cultural en torno a la praacute;ctica del arte esceacute;nico como una actividad dedicada a la mejora efectiva de la vida de los grupos sociales maacute;s desfavorecidos. Fue en esta obra donde Boal articuloacute; el embrioacute;n de un meacute;todo que permitiacute;a facilitar el reconocimiento de la naturaleza y origen de las opresiones maacute;s profundas para poderlas combatir. Su propuesta es subvertir radicalmente las convenciones que dominan el mundo de la representacioacute;n; transformando al espectador en protagonista de la accioacute;n dramaacute;tica para que pueda preparar acciones reales que le conduzcan a la propia liberacioacute;n. Con espiacute;ritu brechtiano; de ahiacute; partioacute; la investigacioacute;n de Augusto Boal que; a lo largo de los antilde;os; ha dado como resultado el Teatro Legislativo; el Teatro Invisible; el Teatro Imagen y el Teatro Forum y la praacute;ctica teatral en su vertiente terapeacute;utica conocida como El arco iris del deseo. En la Esteacute;tica del Oprimido; Boal lanza las bases de una Esteacute;tica que corresponda a las necesidades de los oprimidos; sin copiar las Esteacute;ticas dominantes de los opresores.Teatro del Oprimido fue publicado originalmente en dos voluacute;menes en 1973 -el segundo titulado Juegos para actores y no actores- y pronto se reveloacute; un texto ineludible de referencia; tanto en el aacute;mbito de la creacioacute;n teatral como en el del activismo poliacute;tico; la psicoterapia; el arte y la educacioacute;n social. Ahora recuperamos en espantilde;ol una versioacute;n revisada y ampliada por su autor.Augusto Boal (Riacute;o de Janeiro; 1931-2009); estudioacute; en la laquo;School of Dramatic Artsraquo; de la Universidad de Columbia; en Estados Unidos. Ademaacute;s de director y pedagogo; es autor de varios libros sobre teacute;cnica teatral; basados en su propia experiencia; entre los que destacan Teatro del oprimido; germen de sus trabajos posteriores contra la opresioacute;n; y Juegos para actores y no actores; ambos publicados en Alba. Su obra ha sido traducida a maacute;s de veinticinco idiomas Dirigioacute; durante antilde;os un centro de Teatro del Oprimido en Pariacute;s y otro en Riacute;o de Janeiro.Augusto Boal ha sido premiado; entre otras instituciones; por la UNESCO; las Universidades de Nebraska; Gouml;teborg; el Instituto de Teatro de Puebla (Meacute;xico); Lacute;Institut de Teatre de Barcelona y; recientemente; ha sido nombrado Doctor Honoris Causa de la Universidad Queen Mary de Londres.

#1755187 in eBooks 2010-11-19 2013-03-13File Name: B00CEU3KVU

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Not recommended for someone looking for the authentic Peanuts musicBy CelesteThese songs are all arrangements and have been simplified and watered down from the original version. Because of that; the songs are in different keys than the original and sound very off when played. Not recommended for someone looking for the authentic Peanuts music.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Good book for newbiesBy Carl Franklin; JD/PhDLike most who love these songs; I first learned them from the Peanuts television specials. Over time Ive learned the name of the composer and a built a great collection of his original work and performances. When I decided to learn keyboard this was one of the first books I bought. So far; I am very happy with the book and would recommend it for anyone who loves these songs. There are a few caveats; though.Fortunately I have some experience with other musical instruments; so as an adult piano student Im able to move a little faster than most beginning students. That means that I can enjoy this level of work much quicker; but some may not be able to. A true beginning student may find this work a bit daunting. An intermediate to advanced beginning student who puts in the effort will find this book very challenging and useful. In other words; while some might consider this a good "beginning" book; I think it is actually a more moderate to advanced beginner level. Because it is based on advanced skills by the composer (Vince Guaraldi) and only arranged for this level student theres really much more to the songs than initially thought. So dont get frustrated if you are like me and maybe buy this book a little before you are ready for it.Let me illustrate how this is important with two songs. The most well-known is probably "Linus and Lucy" and everyone will identify very quickly the distinctive base line. The line is not overly complicated; but if you are not comfortable with the left hand then you will find it difficulty to keep going at times. What helped me was to take the book and combine it with a couple well done instructional videos on YouTube. As an example; the Piano Guy; the same guy from public television; has a couple pieces on YouTube that were very helpful. The hints/tricks in these videos helped me learn this piece much faster than I would have alone. Unless you have an instructor over your shoulder; the pieces in this book will need some extra effort -- which may include outside sources such as YouTube.In contrast; the song "Oh; Good Grief!" was one that really caused me to struggle a lot. I could not find a good YouTube example with instruction; so I got frustrated pretty quickly. In fact; Im actually setting it aside until my skills grow a bit. This song; in my opinion; requires a moderate to advanced player to really grab it and make it sound great. If you are a new or moderate beginner then this song; along with a couple others; will really challenge you and probably be too advanced.Im not sure I would recommend this for beginners but at the same time anyone familiar with the songs and willing to put in the effort can find a lot of enjoyment; even if theyre relatively new to the instrument. I think the value is good and it is worth the purchase price.2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Not too easy; not to difficult - true intermediateBy Todd WebbNot too easy; not too difficult - true intermediate. Some tricky syncopation; grace notes; one hand octaves; some chords. It takes a little a work; but I; a self-taught hobby player; can get through it. Its really fun music. The arrangements are simplified versions of the actual Guaraldi music; so some of it lacks. My goal is to eventually play the real thing; so this book is a good stepping stone.

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