Xenakis: His Life in Music is a full-length study of the influential contemporary composer Iannis Xenakis. Following the trajectory of Xenakisrsquo;s compositional development; James Harley; who studied with Xenakis; presents the works together with clear explanations of the technical and conceptual innovations that shaped them. Harley examines the relationship between the composer and two early influences: Messiaen and Le Corbusier. Particular attention is paid to analyzing works which were vital to the composerrsquo;s creative development; from early; unpublished works to the breakthrough pieces Metastasis and Pithoprakta; through the oft-discussed decade of formalization and the evolving styles of the succeeding three decades.
#1644685 in eBooks 2004-08-02 2004-08-02File Name: B000OT7V5O
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Great book; well written; assumes you know acousticsBy Guillermo Emilio Aldana-CalderonIt asumes that you know your fundamentals and then dives into sound radiation from surfalces; hollow bodies etc. Overall the book is a good reference for someone with acoustics background; if you need to learn acoustics or refresh yourself; get Blackstocks book.