Come trasformare il piccolo cruccio della ricerca dellaltra metagrave; dellamela; in una partita di mele "marce"; egrave; unoperazione condotta dallautricecon magistrale ironia. Dissacrante nel sostituire ad una romantica ma comuneeroina; una piugrave; moderna ed originale protagonista; lautrice intraprende unesilarante viaggio telematico che porteragrave; alla conoscenza di personaggi ailimiti del ricovero. Ci si imbatteragrave; in nevrotici dogni sorta che siacute; identificheranno di volta in volta con il prototipo del latin lover decaduto; suscitando gustosissimi equivoci nei quali sembreragrave; sguazzare e divertirsi persino la protagonista.
#2763562 in eBooks 1996-04-01 1996-04-01File Name: B00BW0OUIK
139 of 140 people found the following review helpful. Yes...this is indeed the manual that should have been in the box!By Long-Suffering Technology ConsumerOReillys "Missing Manual" series claims each of their titles is "The book that should have been in the box". While I cant speak for the entire series; I have purchased and used several of them; including the missing manuals for three different versions of Photoshop Elements (PSE).PSE 10 is very similar at the user interface level to versions 8 and 9; and it is --like its predecessor versions-- extremely feature dense. This makes it both a powerful digital image editor; and a potential well of frustration for users. While PSE 10 includes some automated and guided image editing functions; users hoping to harness its full power will achieve this sooner if they grab some help. Barbara Brundage offers this assistance in a detailed guide that explores the higher functions of PSE; while respecting the challenges many readers may have in grasping complex technology.Brundage offers both conceptual overviews and tutorials of PSE 10as interface and functions. She effectively breaks down the the concepts of file management; basic editing; image manipulation and sharing of the results of these digital editing techniques.This book is particularly effective in addressing the two areas that can lead to delight --or despair-- among would-be photo editors: selection and layering in PSE.The conceptual discussions and tutorials in this book are intelligently discussed and laid out in good detail. The companion materials to this book are online ("the missing CD"); and include links to sample images used for demonstrations in the book; and to other online resources to assist with PSE mastery. The author and creative team both have links to their own websites and email addresses listed in the introduction. You will also see that I have responded directly to other reviewers comments. This indicates strong ownership and a high level of accessibility. In addition; the author readily --and correctly-- points out that many high quality step-by-step guides to most things you might want to do are readily found on popular video sites.Two things to note before diving into this book and your PSE 10 experience:the appendix to the book is found at the rear; and addresses installation issues. This wpould be better placed at the front and combined with the "whats new" portion; since install issues are the first pitfall area that users could encounter. Finally; sometimes the book gushes just a bit about the overall capabilities of PSE ("while its doing wonderful things to your picture..."). These are minor points; and in no way diminish from the overall usefulness of this must have reference for users of PSE 10.119 of 122 people found the following review helpful. A Must Have ManualBy Daniel WeitzThis work fills an obvious and glaring need for a usable and comprehensive manual. Software publishers seem to have gone from including detailed usable manuals with their products; to printable manuals on disk; to a very sketchy start up guide (as in the case of Adobe Photoshop Elements 12); and at times to nil. The software product is incredibly powerful; but without this guide youll probably never unlock its potential.One of the best features of this book is that you can start with the most basic work; an approach that assumes you know nothing; or you drive ahead to advanced work that builds on your current product knowledge and skills. You may start as a beginner; but with some diligence you will become a proficient user of this powerful software.The book itself with more than 600 pages; seems very complete in its approach. In fact its introduction is longer than the startup guide included with the product. There are innumerable examples in both black and white and color. It has a comprehensive index; but lacks a disk. It does; however; refer you to its webpage where you can download some useful tools and tutorials.63 of 63 people found the following review helpful. Love the book and how it interacts with the publishers website too! A fantastic resource!By Michelle RayburnThis really is; as the subtitle indicates; the missing manual that should have been included with Photoshop Elements! This book covers absolutely everything I can think of and then some. I am an avid Elements user; and Ive learned most of what I do by trial and error. The video tutorials on the Adobe website are not all that helpful sometimes. They are often tailored to an older version of Elements; and the menu options arent the same.I love how this book goes through every menu option in Elements 12 and explains what it is for; and how to use it. The book is full of pictures to illustrate each concept. For the complete beginner the first chapters cover the basics; including sizing; cropping; sorting photos; even how to upload them if you havent done that before.Then; it starts to get into more technical stuff. The book is grouped by sections of chapters all relating to a particular aspect of editing. The tutorials in the Elemental Elements section include how to extract an object from a picture that you dont want there; the basics of using layers; and how to use brushes for selection. The section on retouching is an in-depth look at fixing everything from color; lighting; composition problems and so; so much more!The artistic elements section gets into the; well; artsy stuff you can do. How else can I explain it? It includes filters; brushes; tools effects; and text; among the most memorable techniques. The section on sharing images helps you to format your pictures for the web and email; create books; greeting cards; and other printable projects. It also helps with making presentations and such.Throughout the book and in the resources at the back; youll find references for helpful websites to visit; and places to find additional tools.This is a very thick book; and I cant say enough about how much content it includes. The BEST I have seen for the home photographer to learn about editing. Its so easy to use and well organized. There is a handy index in the back for finding topics. And; instead of charging even more to add a CD; inside the back cover; youll find a link to the missing manual website where free updates to the tutorials are located.Dont miss the biggest benefit of the book. Go to the website for Missing Manuals listed in the back cover on the "missing CD" page and register your book. Youll find a list of every hyperlink mentioned in the book and organized by chapter. That way; as you read; you can click the hyperlinks without having to type anything in a browser. And; you will find links to practice files where you can try the techniques taught in the book. This is a fantastic idea!