Wondrous panorama of the animal kingdom; with detailed reproductions of over 600 rare engravings: mammals; birds; reptiles; amphibians; fish; crustaceans; insects; some plants mdash; all identified. Royalty-free illustrations for designers and craftspeople. Excellent sourcebook for students of natural history.
#1771348 in eBooks 2010-10-01 2010-10-01File Name: B00BEMSF78
1 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Really enjoyed this readBy SatisfiederI truly love the writing in this book. Its also making me love the idea of teaching dance. I was very skeptical; but this makes me very proud to be a part of both the dance and teaching world.1 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Four StarsBy KayIt was not the same as the picture; but it was the correct book I needed for school.3 of 9 people found the following review helpful. written before its time...By A Customerbrilliant; true and a rare gem. Dance is an up-and-coming art experience that will soon be genuinely valued.